Chapter 3 - The Hang Out

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"See ya later, dickhead." Jay yelled, as he walked into his apartment. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do."
His apartment door clicked shut and Eddie pounced. He grabbed P's arm and pulled her towards him, pinning her back against the wall as he leant in close and whispered, "That was the longest hour of my life."
P could feel him through his jeans. From the sound of his voice and the speed at which he'd moved, it was clear he had been waiting for Jay to leave.
She took the opportunity to reposition herself and placed herself on his bulge. He moaned quietly and held the back of P's neck, placing kisses across her jawline and the corners of her mouth. She moved herself slowly forwards and backwards, allowing them both to feel the heat coming from one another. He moaned louder and lifted one of her legs from the ground. He held her firmly by the thigh and pressed himself into her pelvis as he once again kissed her passionately.
She purred in response, wrapping her arms around his neck and burying her fingertips in his hair.
"Do you wanna... see my place?" He asked between kisses.
"No... I think I'm gonna... go home." She teased.
"I'll take you somewhere better." He breathed, and he pulled her down the hallway, almost running.

When they got to his door, he opened it without looking, never taking his eyes from her. He pushed the door closed and kissed her again. As they moved slowly into the living room, Eddie pulled P down onto the sofa and broke from the kiss.
"Wait right here. I'll be right back." He promised, and he disappeared into the bedroom.
P knew exactly where this was going and although this was what she wanted, she realised she hadn't showered in almost 24hrs. Now was really not the best time. She wasn't clean and she hadn't shaved. She hadn't done any of her usual preparations and her excited nerves turned into real anxiety. She couldn't take off her clothes right now. Not like this.
While Eddie clattered around in his room, she decided she would just be 100% honest and come straight out with it.
If they really were as similar as Jay said, she would be straight with him, just like she would want someone to be straight with her.
"Eddie?" She called out.
His face appeared in the doorway. "I love it when you say my name. Say it again." He dropped his head and looked at her through heavy lidded eyes.
He was so cute when he teased her like that.
"Eddie," she started. "I haven't showered or shaved. I can't do this today."
"Of course you can!" He said gleefully, and he moved away from the door, motioning for P to go and look.
He had been in the en suite, laying out a towel, and various soaps and lotions.
"I stayed at yours last night, remember? I know you haven't had a chance to shower and girls are creatures of cleanliness. I don't have a spare razor but you can borrow mine." He moved closer and stood behind P, moving her hair to whisper in her ear again. "I actually prefer a good bush, but I'm more than happy to help you shave," he slowed down his speech, ""
As he spoke, he clasped his hand over the front of her jeans and his grip made her legs tremble.
He backed away and left her with her thoughts as he ran to the kitchen and grabbed them both a beer.

P was lost. She had never felt like this. She'd never moved this fast. No one had ever made her want to. Someone she met less than 24 hours ago had seduced her and she was in his apartment. In his bedroom. This was crazy. Jay hadn't even batted an eyelid at them making out on the roof. He had gone home and left her in Eddies care, knowing full well what was most likely to happen, and he hadn't seemed concerned. Maybe she should take that as a sign and just go with it. If Jay trusts this guy, she should too. She wanted to. The idea of leaving now was physically painful. Her body was screaming at her to jump in the shower.
Eddie stood beside her and took her hand gently.
"I'm happy to walk you home if you want to go." He offered, with genuine concern on his face. Her lingering had made him afraid that he had gone too far, too quickly.
Seeing his eyes, searching her face for any sign of discomfort, told her everything she needed to know in that moment. He would look after her. He would care for her. He would make sure that she had a good time.
She gripped his hand firmly and pulled him forward.
"Wait right here." She smiled and kissed him quickly. "I'll be back out in 5, or you can come and join me in 3." She winked and ran into the bathroom, ripping her T-shirt off, over her head.
Eddie sat down on the edge of the bed as he watched this unbelievable woman, strip and jump into the shower, without even closing the door.
He wasn't a religious man, but he looked up at the ceiling and clasped his hands together in prayer.
"Thank you, you awesome son of a bitch." He laughed.
Eddie stood up and walked into the bathroom.
P was washing her chest, facing the wall, and her buttocks were pressed against the glass of the shower door. Eddie placed his hands on the glass and let out a whistle sound. P looked over her shoulder and giggled.
"Are you coming in?" She asked, in a lower pitch than usual.
"You bet I am." Eddie answered, and in less than 20 seconds he was naked, and stepping into the warm steam of the shower, finally able to touch that gorgeous soft skin, that he had been dying to touch since he first saw her face in that photo, all those months ago.
P handed him the sponge and turned around, lifting her hair. Eddie understood and began to gently rub her back, gliding the soap and water across her shoulder blades and down her spine. He watched as the soap trailed down her buttocks and between her legs. He began to throb and P gasped as she felt him on her inner thigh. She let go of her hair and stretched her arms out behind her, pulling him forward. His body was now firmly pressed against hers. His cock was between her legs and growing harder by the second. He reached around her and grabbed her breast with one hand and her stomach with the other. She gasped as she began to throb herself. Everything this man did felt so good, she thought she may cum without him even touching her there.
A few moments went by and Eddie backed away. He grabbed the sponge again and washed himself as quickly and thoroughly as he could.
"I need to get you on the bed." He explained. "If I don't get to taste you in the next 10 seconds, I'm gonna explode."
P was feeling more confident than she ever had in her life. She dove out of the shower and into the towel. Before she was even dry, Eddie jumped out too, dripping wet and not caring. He grabbed P by the upper arms and laid her down on the bed. He threw open her towel and she giggled.
He stood and stared at the woman sprawled before him.
"Is this really all mine?" He asked.
"I don't think you could eat the whole thing." P joked.
"Oh I'm gonna fucking try." He smiled, and he dropped to his knees in front of her. His wet hair was cold on her legs, but it was just another exhilarating feeling. The heat of his breath, the touch of his finger tips, the soft wetness of his lips. Everything was amazing. He placed his hands upon her knees and gently pulled them open. She closed her eyes and covered her face. Despite her confidence up until this point, she was always super nervous when someone saw her labia for the first time. They all look so different, but she had often wondered if hers was normal.
"Fuck." He breathed the word. "Now that, is beautiful." P giggled again, embarrassed but relieved. She tried to relax again as Eddie slowly kissed his way up her inner thighs, pausing every now and then to breathe in the scent of her excitement. By the time he got to her pussy, she was glowing.
He stuck out his tongue and firmly pressed it between her lips. She gasped and he moaned. Opening his mouth, he parted her lips and pushed his tongue inside of her. Her breath caught in her throat and she fell silent. He smiled and she felt it.
With small gentle laps of her outer lips, firmer flicks on her clitoris and long deep tastes of her inside, Eddie brought her to the brink of orgasm in just a few short minutes. He considered pulling away and teasing her for more, but as much as he was loving watching her squirm, he was desperate to be inside her.
She seemed to respond most effectively to the firmer clitoral stimulation, so he focused the tip of his tongue at her hood, and began a repetitive pattern of licking. She was an amazing partner to pleasure. She bucked and arched and grabbed his head. He could read her like a book. He knew what she liked and how she liked it, in just 5 minutes, because she was brave enough to let go. To be in the moment.
He opened his eyes and saw her frowning. Her mouth was open in a silent scream. Her fingers were gripping tightly to his head, pulling his face into her.
He kept the pressure and the pace.
A few seconds later, she released his head and relaxed her body. She let out an enormous sigh and covered her face in embarrassment.
"Oh my god." She whispered.
Eddie pulled himself up to her chest and kissed her neck. "Next time." He said. "I want to hear you scream."
His eyes were so dark P could hardly make out his irises. He was feral and ready to fuck her raw. She nodded and kissed him hard, tasting herself on his lips. She lifted her knees to her chest and reached down to help guide him in.
He paused at her entrance and scanned her face for a sign that he should stop. She maintained eye contact as she grabbed his hips and slammed him into her. They both let out a loud gasp and Eddie leant down to kiss her once more. As his tongue explored her mouth, she remembered exactly how that tongue had felt on her clitoris and her muscles tightened, gripping his cock and making him moan.
Eddie couldn't believe this was really happening.
Sex had never felt like this before. It was electric. It was a real connection. He looked down at this woman beneath him. Her face was contorted in ecstasy and he'd never seen anything so beautiful. Her furrowed brow was the direct result of his movement. Her moans were melodic. Everything about this creature made him want to cum. The sights, the sounds, the scent. She was perfect.
He knew he had to make her cum again. She deserved it. He sat up and pulled her to the edge of the bed.
"Roll over."
She didn't wait a single second. "Yes, Master." She whimpered.
Eddies cock throbbed hard and he smiled. "Ooooooo, I liked that."
As soon as she was on her knees, he positioned himself behind her and thrust himself back into her. She was so warm, and soft, and wet. Her muscles gripped him tightly as if she didn't want to let him go. It seems she wanted to stay like this, just as much as he did.
She began to go quiet again and her back started to tense.
"Relax, sweetheart." Eddie cooed. "Take a deep breath. Let it happen."
P tried to relax, but as she felt her climax approaching, she tensed up again.
Eddie decided to try something else.
"Cum for me, sweetheart." He moaned. She quivered in response. "Daddy wants to see you cum again." P's whole body jerked and she began to push back harder onto Eddies cock. "Cum on my dick, please baby." He encouraged. He could see it was working. She was now moaning louder and holding nothing back.
"That's my good girl. Cum on my dick. Cum for me."
A few good thrusts later, she yelled out his name and her whole body locked up. She was gripping him so tightly inside her, he was afraid she would never let go.
"Now that," he grinned, "is what Daddy wanted to see." He pushed he gently forward and she fell from her knees onto her stomach. He placed his hand on her hip and rolled her over.
"Is my good girl all done?"
"No." She panted. "Not until you finish."
He was impressed with her stamina but he could see she was just as determined to show him a good time as he was with her.
She pulled him back down onto her chest and he slipped straight back inside her.
Eddie tried to push himself up to thrust into her, but she shook her head and pulled him back down.
She began to rock her hips beneath him, in a pattern he couldn't quite figure out. Whatever it was, it felt amazing. He moved with her, raising and lowering himself, matching her rhythm. P kissed Eddie passionately as the full body contact ignited every nerve ending. and she lifted her head to whisper in his ear, "I want you to cum in me."
Eddie closed his eyes in ecstasy. "I want you to fill me up." She continued grinding her body against his and lifting her hips to meet him. "I wanna feel your cum, Master. I need you to claim me." He dropped his head, and his wet hair cooled her chest.
He was close.
"Please." She whimpered.
Eddie panted hard and gripped P's hip as he thrust into her, taking him over the edge. He continued to pant as he filled her up more and more with every thrust. She purred loudly as she accepted his load, thanking him over and over.
When he had regained his composure he lifted his head and looked down again at this life changing woman.
"Are you a succubus?" He asked, still panting lightly.
"No, honey, I can assure you, you're awake." P smiled.
Usually after such an intense encounter, she would be feeling awkward. Especially after the first time. This didn't feel like their first time.
Without a word, Eddie got under the covers and motioned for P to join him. She curled up on his chest and he drew the covers over them both, placing one arm around her shoulders and using the other to hold the hand she had laid on his chest.
"If I don't get up soon, I'm gonna start to leak on your sheets." P said, yawning.
Eddie kissed the top of her head. "That's not a problem. You stay as long as you like. It's my mess. I'll deal with it."
P sighed a contented sigh and closed her eyes briefly. Before she knew it, she was asleep.
Eddie kissed her on the head again.
"That's my girl." He whispered.


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