Chapter 4 - The Second Round

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When P woke, it was almost sunset. They'd fallen into each others arms, almost 4hrs ago. The sun was low in the sky and as it reflected into his flat, from the window opposite, it shone directly on her face, which was still resting on Eddies chest. She had barely moved a muscle.
She covered her eyes with her left hand and pushed herself up with her right arm.
As soon as she sat up, Eddie stirred and opened his eyes with a groan. As her face came into focus, he smiled warmly and began to sit up.
Their hair had dried as they slept but it was now so messy, P felt the need to comment.
"I hope Jay doesn't see me leave, or he'll be commenting on my bed head."
Eddie looked at the woman beside him and reached up to her neck. As he playfully pushed his fingers around her scalp, messing her hair up more, he beamed. "Yeah, I did a good job messing you up, didn't I?"
"Brag much?" She teased and Eddie stretched.
"So, seeing as how we've lost a day, do you wanna hang out with me tonight and just stay up until morning?" He asked, quietly. "I'd love to get to know you better."
"Weren't we supposed to do that first?" P noted.
"Yeah, but that's the normal way." He smiled. "We both know we aren't normal."
"We're pretty awesome though." She said, as she put up her hands for a high five.
Eddie laughed and clasped her hand. He held it and pulled her forward, placing a gentle kiss on her lips, as he cupped her chin with his other hand.
Suddenly, Eddie got up and off the bed, making P jump. He skipped to the dresser and pulled out a clean pair of underwear and a T-shirt.
"First things first." He said. "What does P actually stand for?" He titled his head slightly as he waited for her reply.
"Oh god, no. Why that? You could ask me anything and you asked me that."
Eddie let out a small breathy laugh and took a step towards her, reaching down to the floor and picking up her hoodie.
"I mean, P is cute, but that's what your friends call you." He handed her the hoodie. "I wanna know what to call you when you misbehave."
She blushed hard and avoided his eyes. She attempted to hide her smile as she pulled the hoodie on over the head, but he could see her cheeks lift, and saw the wrinkles at the side of her eyes.
Seeing her reverting back to the shy woman he met last night, made him want to try even harder to embarrass her. Her blushing flushed her cheeks with a colour several shades brighter than her natural skin tone. He knew she could feel the heat in her face. It was adorable but also sexy as fuck.

"I hate my name." She said quietly.
"Okay, well I promise not to use it." He helped her scoop her hair out from inside her hoodie, before grabbing a handful and pulling it back gently. Her eyes were looking up at him and he gazed down at her from above. "I have no intention of upsetting you. Ever." He kissed her temple and down her cheek. "My sole intention is making you feel like a Queen."
She took a full breath, expanding her lungs as fully as she could, and letting the air out slowly, absorbing the moment and committing the feeling of his hands in her hair, to memory.
"It's Patience." She closed her eyes as she spoke.
"Shit." Eddie smirked. "I can see why you don't use it. It's not a bad name but must be confusing when you hear it in general conversation."
"Exactly." She said, as she spun herself around to put her feet on the floor and scoop up her trousers.
"By the end of middle school I was just sick of hearing it."
"Polly?" He asked.
"No." She replied.
"Patty?" He offered.
"You fucking dare." She pointed at him as she said it.
Eddie threw up his arms in surrender and took half a step back.
P kept her finger pointed at him as she backed into the en suite. She needed to clean herself up before she put her trousers back on.

While Eddie considered his options, a knock at the door broke his train of thought. He walked quickly out to the living room and over to the door.
He looked through the peephole and smiled broadly as he unlocked the door and swung it open.
"Come on in, guys! Welcome, welcome. Take a seat, I've just got to take care of something." Eddie motioned to the sofa as he ran back into the bedroom and knocked on the bathroom door.
"Babe, some friends have popped over. Do you want me to tell them to fuck off?"
P cracked open the door. "No of course not. I've had you all to myself all day. I'll just be a minute and then I'll leave."
"What? Why?" He sounded genuinely disappointed.
"I doubt the guys will want me hanging around." She said as she continued to gently wipe her inner thighs.
"You want any help with that?" He growled.
P tutted and closed the door.

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