Chapter 9 - The Talk

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Eddie opened the apartment door quietly, knowing Pinki would be asleep.
He hung up his jacket and placed his key down on the shelf, trying to remember if they had any leftovers in the fridge.
He heard a rustling sound from the sofa and saw Pinki had fallen asleep under a blanket. A book had just fallen from her lap.
He smiled warmly and walked slowly over to her, scooping her up and cradling her into his chest. She wasn't easy to carry but he didn't want to wake her. He also didn't like to sleep alone.
They'd barely spent a night apart since they met, and being in her bed without her there just felt wrong.
He placed her down on her side of the bed, but left her clothed. She just needed to be next to him tonight. Eddie leant down and placed a kiss on her forehead, taking a moment to stroke the hair from her cheek so it wouldn't disturb her in the night.
"Goodnight." He whispered.
Climbing under the sheets on the other side of the bed, he got as close to her as he could and closed his eyes.
"Did you have fun?" She quietly asked.
"Ah sweetie, I'm so sorry I woke you." He placed an arm over her waist.
"I heard your key in the door. I had only been asleep about twenty minutes." She nuzzled herself further down into her pillow.
"And you still made me carry you in here?" He teased.
"Don't act like you don't like babying me." She smiled.
"Fair point." He said. "You are my baby."
They had both adjusted fully to the darkness and she could see her had removed his shirt before climbing into bed.
"So?" She urged. "How was your night?"
"Well I don't wanna jinx it but I think Jay might have made a new friend."
"Yeah?" She was unsurprised. "Well he already knows you and Adam well, but Saul is a lot more quiet. I wasn't sure if they would gel."
"I have a feeling they made a very good impression on each other, and since you are awake and I'm still super excited, I'm gonna tell you, but you have to promise not to say anything." He was sitting up, resting on his forearm.
Pinki sat up and did the same.
"Oooo, okay. I can keep a secret. What happened?" She asked, her eyes wide as her mind swirled with all the things it could be.
"Jay and Saul were flirting hard at the bar and they left together."
Pinki gasped and covered her mouth.
"Yeah, so you know when you and I first hung out with the guys on the roof, and Adam told us about his promotion?"
"Yeah." She remembered that night well. He'd slept inside her. It was kind of hard to forget.
"Well when Saul was being all pensive and told us he had a crush on someone, it turns out it was Jay!" He was animated and his voice was higher than usual, but he was still trying to stay quiet. Pinki wasn't sure why. They were alone in the flat.
"Oh my gosh, I had no idea Saul liked guys!" Pinki was grinning from ear to ear.
Eddie sighed and laid back down on the pillow.
"They would be great together." Eddie said, as he stared up at the ceiling.
Pinki watched him for a while, her heart fluttered at the level of interest Eddie was showing in the two men's lives. He was always so invested in his favourite people, and it made her wonder if this was how he talked about her when she wasn't around.

She sat herself up completely and pulled her hoodie up over her head and threw it to the floor. Her breasts bounced and Eddies eyes widened. He hadn't realised she was only wearing her jumper.
Her body was twisted away from the bed as she stood and pulled down her jeans. She was wearing a coral coloured pair of lace and satin underwear.

Eddie rolled his tongue behind his teeth, attempting to purr. Pinki turned back to laugh and shoot him a confused look.
"What was that?" She asked.
"That's me telling you how utterly fucking delicious you are." He drawled, and he pulled himself over to her side of the bed on his hands and knees.
She giggled and laid down underneath him.
He brought his face down to hers, his top lip brushing hers delicately, as he teased her by withholding his kiss.
She waited patiently as his eyes scanned her face, taking a moment to allow the tension to build.
She lifted her hips to meet his and as soon as they connected, he hungrily groaned and kissed her hard and hastily.

He grabbed her left wrist and pinned it above her head. Pinki knew this meant for her to lift both, so without hesitation, she raised her right arm and grabbed the anchor they had fixed to her bed.
It was a tie from a towel gown, but it did the job. After all, it was simply for her to hold.

"Don't let go." He whispered, his mouth full of breast.
"Never." She answered.
He smiled as he kissed his way down her stomach and around her hips.
"You're so good to me." Pinki said, as she looked down at Eddie, studying her and taking time to kiss every inch of her skin.
"You're so good to ME." He smiled. "You give me access to this temple whenever I want."
She moaned as he slipped a finger inside her with the last word.

He hungrily forced his mouth between her lips, and began to circle her clitoris with his tongue. Happy to spend a few minutes just savouring her, before putting his skills to work.
Everytime he looked up at her, she either had her eyes closed and her head thrown back, or she was looking down at him with the softest eyes he'd ever seen.
He pulled his tongue away, inserted a second finger, and sat up to lean over her chest with his other arm for support. His face was above hers and she opened her eyes as a tear fell from each.
She often cried when he touched her in this way.
"Who's my special little girl?" He encouraged.
"I am." She whimpered.
"You make Daddy sooo happy." He smiled, with audible sincerity.
Pinki let out a sob.
"No one's ever treated you the way you deserved, but you're mine now." He soothed. "I'm gonna make sure you remember just how precious you are, sweetheart." He wiped the tears from her cheeks and stole her breath with a fierce, passionate kiss.
Pinki arched her back as Eddie increased the pressure with his fingers.
"I am gonna make you cum, because nothing makes Daddy happier than hearing his sweetheart sing."
Eddie kept his face close to hers. He smiled and kissed her cheek, everytime she let out a whimper.
"I love you, baby." He said, quietly.
Pinki moaned loudly.
"I am never letting you go." He gripped her hips and removed his fingers from inside her. In the time it took for Pinki to sigh, he had shuffled his way back down between her legs and placed his cock at her entrance. With effortless ease, he slid inside her and let out a shuddering breath. He lay himself down on her, allowing the entirety of their bodies to touch and stimulate one another.
Pinki threw her arms around his chest and held him close as they moved in perfect synchronicity.
Eddie enjoyed everything about this woman, but the way her body responded to his touch, was something he could not get over.
At the mere prospect of sexual intimacy, she was a slave to his whim. He knew without a doubt that he could ask anything of her, and she would likely obey. What thrilled him the most was knowing that he was exactly the same, but that she would never abuse that privilege.
They were truly safe with each other.
Pinki's voice was getting louder in his ear, and her muscles were tightening. He held her tightly and increased his force, thrusting into her with as much power as his hips possessed.
"Cum for me, angel." He growled, softly.
Pinki's legs locked and her hips arched up off the bed. Her grip around Eddies chest was vice like and she held her breath as her orgasm sent a tidal wave of pleasure through her body.
Eddie continued slowly, allowing her to prolong her climax.
When she released her grip, she covered her face with her hands, as she often did.
"I'm so sorry." She laughed. "One of these days I'm gonna snap you in half."
"I'm made of stronger stuff than that, baby girl." He smiled. "Did I do a good job?"
Pinki laughed and slapped his arm playfully.
"Fuck off." She joked.
He knew he had. He just wanted to make her say it.
Eddie shifted to his side of the bed and laid himself down alongside his woman. HIS woman. He would never get used to that either. He would never get used to the level of comfortability they shared. He really was in love with his best friend, who just so happened to be the best fuck he'd ever had.
"I really am a lucky bastard." He smiled, looking at Pinki as she pulled the covers over her body.
"No, leave my pillows out." He said, as he pulled the covers down, exposing her breasts.
She giggled as he pretended to plump them.
"What about you?" She asked.
He knew what she meant.
"I've had WAY too much to drink tonight. I got what I needed when you crushed my rib cage." He giggled as he snuggled into her.
"I can't wait to see what you're like at Christmas." She said, playing with a lock of his hair.
"Well you won't have to wait long."
Christmas was just a few days away, and neither of them had made any effort to decorate for the occasion, but Pinki had caught him singing carols to himself and had seen him skipping around their apartments excitedly.
"I hope you like what I got you." Pinki said, with a tinge of anxiety that Eddie took note of.
"I promise to act like I do, even if it's crap." He teased.
"Hey, you think Jay and Saul are boning yet?" He asked, rolling onto his front and propping his chin up on his hands.
Pinki giggled and wrinkled her nose.
"Go to sleep, weirdo." She said, and she pulled him towards her, to cuddle close.
He kissed her once more on the forehead and pulled the covers up over them both.
As their breath steadied and became heavier, Pinki fell into a deep and peaceful sleep.
Eddie was still awake. He placed his hand on her lower stomach, stroking it gently.
"One day." He whispered.


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