chapter 2 secrets beneath

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For several hours we continued walking and every so often looking at the hollow map.
For the most part the patrol was still uneventful until we came upon a point where the grass started to decrease in size.
the further we got the lower the grass became to the point where it was no longer waste high but now the grass was no more than the height from the heel of my boot.

Ryan: Jack let's take a break over here I'm getting hungry.

Jack: all right.

The both of us sat are backpacks down and digged around for our food rations.
I pulled out a can of pork and beans and Jack pulled out a small box containing something that looked like fish.
I reached into my pocket pulling out a can opener and a fire starter kit.
After making a small fire and opening my canned took out a spoon from my backpack and scooped out the contents onto my mess kit to let it cook over the Open flame.
While my food was cooking Jack was enjoying his but he also looked like he had a question on his mind.

Ryan: hey something on your mind Jack?

Jack: mmh... Yeah for a little bit I was kind of wondering what is your world like?

Ryan:....Well straight with a heavy handed one okay you might want to get comfortable for this story.

Jack: okay is it a long story I don't mind.

Ryan: yeah it is a bit of a long story but I'll make it short because there's so much to go over and little time I have to explain.
But just imagine the worst war that is in your recent history and now double that by 10,000

Jack: oh.... We're actually at war currently and it's between two major factions but continue.

Ryan: well damn one hell of a time we chose to show up but anyways.

Earth Year date 1947.
There were three major factions fighting for dominance either to protect themselves conquering Nation after Nation or for ideology reasons.
The three factions were the allies the SSU and the axis.
But at the closing stages of this god-awful and terrible war both the allies and the SSU decided to make a ceasefire agreement to focused on one problem at a time the axis.
But soon realizing they're imminent defeat they devised one final plan both European and Asia combine their resources together for one final operation that they dubbed operation iron skies.
They knew they were going to lose so that final operation would take them somewhere we couldn't find them easily. space and the outer reaches currently that's why we're here on your planet trying to find them before something bad happens.

Ryan: and that's my world at least when we left I didn't fight in it for say my dad did I still have his journal.
I have read a few pages and the whores that he witnessed I can never imagine what he's going through.

Jack: are you going to be okay?

Ryan: yeah I'll be fine the only thing I'm worried about is my dad hasn't been the same after..... The last battle in the Antarctic that's what the war technically ended but it's still rages on

Jack: look on the bright side if they're here you will most likely finish the fight

Ryan: FairPoint the only problem is there are multiple rockets that took off that day tend to be exact there were more but we were successful on shooting them down before they took off.

Jack got up from his spot and sat next to Ryan and tried to comfort him by placing his hand on Ryan's shoulder.

Jack: you know if you ever need a hand I'm always here for you just like how you were there for me

Ryan: thanks means a lot and...... Wait hold on a second do you hear that?

A distant roaring sound could be heard and it was closing in on their position fast.
But along with the roaring came came a thunderous whistle meaning whatever it was it wasn't on the ground it was in the sky

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