chapter 3 planetary reveal

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After several hours of marching all the way back to the original rally point everyone was exhausted and tired.
Upon the next day they were already for whatever comes next extraction or otherwise.

Kelly: Ryan get on the horn to command tell them we're ready for extraction.

Ryan after switching on his radio called command and was met with static for a few seconds

Ryan: command we're ready for our extraction we are at the rally point and awaiting over

Command: negative on extraction standby for further orders

Ryan: say again extraction denied?

Command: negative delayed hold your position for a little longer your extraction will be there soon and it's time we revealed ourselves.

Ryan: command you're not suggesting what I think you are?

Command: not mine the generals.
He believes that there will be a imminent attack on a mass population center.

Ryan: so it's finally time.
Any other objectives?

Command: negative your objective is the same holder position we will send for a helicopter once we have made planet fall command over and out

Ryan switched off his radio and got Kelly's attention along with Jack's

Kelly: what's the word on that evac?

Ryan: command says we have to hold a position a little bit longer they're going to make planet fall soon.

Jack: wait what does that mean?

Kelly: it means you're about to see a whole lot more of us including some of our big toys.

Ryan: in other words Jack you're about to see how really advanced we are.

Jack had a curious look scrawl the crossed his face with a hint of excitement.

Meanwhile in high orbit both allied and SSU shuttles started preparing their planetary Landers containing all the equipment and more they will need for this upcoming fight.

General: gentleman the time has come that we finally make ourselves known to the entire planet including the axis. They thought by escaping Earth they would be safe here to continue as they pleased that they thought that we wouldn't chase after them.
They were very wrong they will answer for the crimes against humanity they have conducted on soldiers civilians alike it is our duty to bring down the hammer on them by any means necessary but if there are more of them out there we will be ready I promise you this war has not ended just yet.

A round of applause erupted in the room but was soon interrupted by a radio officer barging in

Radio officer: general are scopes just picked up enemy flyers are in the air and have just tooken off from their base!

General: and where are they inbound and how many of them are there?

Radio officer: at least at least 10 bombers assisted by 7 fighters

General: and what's their target?

Radio officer: their target is a large city you know the one next to the circular lake

(AKA gold ring)

General: looks like this attack is happening a lot sooner than I expected.
Get one of our carriers into low orbit and scramble fighters I want those things shot out of the air before they get there or at least minimum damage.

Radio officer: yes sir right away

The radio officer ran down the hall to quickly notify and detach the orbital carrier

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