Part 8- Back Again?

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February 28, 1987
Vecna's back, that's who!

Yep. That one. The one who directly murdered three teens, technically killed another, and destroyed other homes and lives by ripping the whole town of Hawkins in half.

The three teens- William Byers, Maxine Mayfield, and Edward Munson- were just staring at each other when Eddie muttered "shit," and started pacing. Everyone else was still seated, their eyes moving back and forth as though they were watching a tennis match.

"It's only been a year! 11 months, and this dude just shows up out of no where and tries to kill us again? Shit. Shit, shit, shit."

He rambled on for a few minutes, as the others just stared blankly, too confused to move. And that's when Robin walked downstairs. She stopped dead in her tracks. "What the hell?!" she inquired, a gasp emitting from Erica as the girl nearly ran into her. "Watch- the heck are you doing?"

"Uh... Guys?" Will said softly. "He's back. Vecna's back."

*cue confused screaming*

The room instantaneously erupted into chaos, questions being pitted at Eddie, Max, and Will. Thank God Karen and Ted weren't home- they were having lunch at KFC at this point, because it was noon- because otherwise they presence of Murray, Jim, Argyle, and Eddie might've been a little conspicuous. Ya know, just a tad bit concerning to have random adults, an obviously high dude with long hair, and an ex-convict in your basement, screaming about a monster- not to mention that your kids weren't at all concerned about the strangers' presence, and were even joining them in the chaos.

After a while, they'd calm down. But the three still had a hell of a lot of explaining to do, and I would go right back to how it had just been.

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