Chapter Two: Shop Till You Drop

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In a grassy area with crows flying through the sky, a Zap Portal opened. Then one by one our heroes came out of said portal, with some of them falling over.

Ruel: It's exciting, the first time you take a Zap Portal, eh? Of course, I do it all the time.

Drake: Meh, I'd prefer a run.

Just the Dally remembered something he meant to ask.

Percedal: Ah! Drake, my friend, you must tell me about that blade of yours! Is it really the Legendary Devil Arm, Andras?! Able to cut through the toughest hides and make it's user untouchable?!

Drake: The very same. I should have expected a Shushu Guardian to recognize it. She's my pride and joy.

Drake brandished the silver blade proudly, making Percedal look at it in awe and Evangeline roll her eyes.

Evangeline: Ugh, men and their swords. Just don't get distracted and stay together everyone. Our destination is Oma island, so we should only focus on-

Yugo: How about we visit Kelba Market, Huh?

Yugo then began running towards the market leaving everyone behind.


Evangeline: I just said that we need to stick together.

-|+++Episode: Neverm- Wait.+++|-

Our heroes arrived at Kelba Market and began looking around for things.

Evangeline: Alright. The first thing we need to do is Club together and buy a map of the world.

Ruel: Count me out! My purse is as bare as a field of Carrots on Wabbit Island.

Drake: What a bald faced lie. I bet that bag's full of Kamas.

Amalia: It'd make sense if that cheap old Enutrof is just lying!

Ruel: H-Hey now...

Amalia then laughed, but it was oddly deep and menacing, hearing this suprised her and caused her to stop.

Yugo: Hey, Amalia, you sound like a Bwork!

Drake: HAHAHAAA! You tell her, kid!

Percedal: Not very classy for a gentle maiden.

Amalia: But it wasn't me.

Old merchant: AHH! IT WAS HIM!

Everyone looked up to see a man with a bird helmet riding on the Back of a giant mechanical crow with misty black wings.

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