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( Dallya : Hello guys sorry for not posting there is so much going on into my life that if I could right a story about it I think I would , let me take this advice seriously cause I think I'm going to do so .

Let's start )


After getting home Jimin did felt something was off with jungkook but didn't want to interfere . ' He wants him to deal with his problems on his own . Thinking about the future imagine if his not here anymore how would his baby brother deal with further things into his life . He doesn't want to risk that and thinks he'll just mind his business . '

Time Skip_____💜_____⏳

Entering the building jungkook just hope he doesn't see his boss this early in the morning , yesterday night was so embarrassing he can't face him today .

He thinks ' It's a big disappointment for falling this low he couldn't imagine that this feeling decentralized him that much .

He knew that his body was different from other boys . '


Once he was heading to the bathroom with his supposed to be friend . In this bathroom there was an urinal so the guy is suppose to stand to pee every time when they come into the bathroom Jungkook always made his way into the close coupled toilets his friend observing him asked why is he always going to this kind of toilets cause it's easier to pee while standing up . Poor jungkook was naive and explained to his friend that he didn't have a penis that he had a vagina . His friend had the idea to spread the news about the abnormal and special way his friend is and thought that he could gain popularity by that .

'' Shut up you're such a pussy . oops ! what am i saying you have and you are a pussy '' his friend said while everyone around started to laugh .

It was one of the hurtful things his ex friend told him that's how he never tried to make some new friends nor did he tell people about himself and his secrets . Jungkook got bullied for the way he naturally is , that's why at some points he started to hate hiself .

End of Flashback

' He remembered the first time he did touch his body .

It was late at night , he was laying onto his bed and unconsciously started to touch his hairy pubis and he unknowingly felt good and continued until he started to massage his clitoris and that's when he knew about this extraordinary feeling .

He used to masturbate before but without entering his finger through the tight hole he has . He was scared that if he enters his finger into it , it would hurt really bad so he was contented by the feeling of just rolling his clitoris he was so addicted to it to the point where he used to do it every single day and he's vagina use to hurt so bad but he still continued to do it . To the point his vagina wasn't wet anymore it felt dry . To the point he felt disgusted by the way his own body react to it so he decided to stop everything . Even tho it was really difficult at first since he kept on falling into it again and again but he surely didn't give up , he prayed and asked God to help him if what he was doing was a sin to help him fight through it but , did he receive this help ? not at all . So he just decided to search for some information into the internet .

Did it help after finding out it was a good thing for the body , for your brain and even to reduce stress ? not at all . He felt he didn't receive any answer about his problem , he tried to look at some parts where some people where confessing things that they were ashamed to do and there was this lady who had a really good pleasure by thrusting her fingers into her butt and in to her vagina hole at the same time . After her finger is maybe covered by poo jungkook is really sure of that . He felt it was weird at first but everyone as their own preferences so he just let his funny thoughts go away .

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