[04] Sandpoint, Idaho

430 24 9

It was 8 PM when the plane finally landed.

Jane and Y/N were both tired from the long flight, and they hadn't had any sleep on the flight at all.

It wasn't a busy flight. There were probably less than half on the flight, but neither of them could sleep on the flight.

But they had to get the train from the airport to Sandpoint which took an hour Then they had to get a cab from the train station to the police station where they met the police commissioner.

"Hello, I'm glad you both made it safely" The commissioner smiled, "My name is Andrea Fischer, I'm the police commissioner of Sandpoint."

[Luaren German as ANDREA FISCHER]

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[Luaren German as ANDREA FISCHER]

She extended her hand out to Jane and shook her hand, then shook Y/N's.

The commissioner was a tall woman and dark hair pulled out her face and styled neatly in a ponytail.

A man was standing behind the commissioner, and she stepped aside and introduced them to him, 'This is Detective Jones."

"Call me Mathew" He smiled and shook their hands.

"Call me Mathew" He smiled and shook their hands

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Linden Ashby as Mathew Jones


"I know it's late so I wont make this too long. I'll take you to your accommodation, but I'll need you back here tomorrow at 8 AM sharp to go over the case. But for now-,' She grabbed a file that was sitting on the desk, "This is as much of the case as I can give you. I can't copy the photographs at the moment, the copier's broken. But this is the case from the very beginning."

She gave the file to Jane and she quickly wrapped things up.

"There is a car waiting for you and tomorrow morning Detective Jones and I, along with some of the officers on the case, will be here. 8 AM. Don't be late."

Commissioner Fischer turned back to the Detective, "I'll see you in the morning."

"G'night Commish, night guys."

The Cursed TownOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant