0.4 | one-sided?

150 15 5

Did they like me.. Too?

Oh god, do they really? My face couldn't help but crack a smile that may seem unsettling (but it's okay). I felt happy?.. I never personally interacted with them but.. It felt nice.

"Ehehehhsgsjshswjksxj😭😭😭😭😍😍😍😔😔😔" I let disoriented inhumane sounds escape my mouth and spoke in emojis which I have never known I could've in the first place. I kicked my feet along and continue to go through the comments.

One comment that I saw made me lose my momentum in the cycling motion my legs were in and ended up falling from the bed with my head landing onto the ground first.

Am I seeing this right?

dottore.txt (snow)
LMAO this all started cause i
shitted on two of their posts

W-what..? 💔

stages of denial | genshinmem x dottore.txtWhere stories live. Discover now