Kamado Tanjiro X Reader | Hasty Kiss

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Tanjiro x Female Reader

Tanjiro x Female Reader

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Ordinary AU


A/N: This one-shot is not requested but just a random idea that popped up in my mind. Hopefully you'll enjoy it<33

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One mission after the other, a routine that kept the (y/n) moving. The world was nothing but black, white, and red. A humdrum life of the usual that would later be flooded in shades of blood. But she kept going, she had to. What is life if she didn't slay the demons who have destroyed not only hers but almost everyone in the world? She owed it to the people who lost their lives for this cause. It was a life set on nothing but fighting a silent war among the people against demons; however that mindset changed.

Life was particularly different when she was with the burgundy tipped hair lad. It was brighter, lighter, it was full of warmth like the sun and it was serene as the calm seas. That was what it was like every time (y/n) spent even just a moment with the dark merlot shaded eyed boy. A mere glimpse of his smile can send her over the moon; that was the enchanting effect he had on (y/n). And the culprit to that was better known by the name, Kamado Tanjiro.

Tanjiro was a thoughtful friend and a wonderful human being. He was also very strong and determined in his goals. How could she not fall for a guy such as him? From his personality to his features, oh dang she was infatuated by every single detail of him. From the way his eyes would glisten in glee, or the way he'd furrow his brows when he's alarmed, she paid attention to him so much she can't help but be captivated by his charms.

Alas, she's once again mesmerized in his awfully pleasing gaze and company. (Y/n) just came back from a mission, and as she strolled around the garden of her master's mansion, she came across her favorite boy. She thought she was very fortunate that evening; for she did not only successfully handle her mission, she was now conversing with the person she admired the most. She wanted to express her gratitude to fate for leading him and her to that very moment; however, she was unaware of the fact that Tanjiro intentionally sought for her presence.

To see her in one piece from a mission was what Kamado craved for every time they parted ways. So, to see her safe and hear that she was alright was music to his ears. She might have not noticed it, but he adored her just as much as she did for him. It was a simple casual conversation under the starry night, but it was entrancing for the both of them. Although they were both love-struck of each other, (Y/n) had a harder time concealing it.

Tanjiro was currently talking about his week when (y/n) stared and pondered about his appearance. "Tanjiro is too attractive under the moonlight..." She thought to herself as she observed him. His tanned complexion glowed as the moon highlighted his scar on his forehead; never has it looked so perfect were the thoughts of the female. His dark rosewood eyes also matched his scar and his auburn tipped hair that soon matched his tinted pink cheeks. (Y/n) didn't realize how long she was staring at the boy with no response to his inquiry. "(Y/n)?" He called out but her eyes were fixated on his lower face, making him redder since she also leaned closer.

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