Chapter 11

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Ryan's POV: 

"Ok how do you feel that went Liv?" 

She gave a thumbs up.

"Good. Do you wanna go shopping now?" 

"But we don't have to get rid of the stuff I wanna keep?" 

"Nope. You get to keep whatever you want." 


"Let's stop for the guys." 

I gave them a call to meet us outside and they all piled in when we pulled up. 

"Hey Liv how'd the meeting go?" 


"Ms. brains over here is so smart they're putting her in 11th grade." 

"Woah really?" 

"That's awesome Olivia." 


"So we're going shopping?" 

"Yep. Olive needs more than like three outfits."

At the store Liv wouldn't pick anything out. 

I was just grabbing essentials when I got a thought. 

We have to keep tampons and pads and shit at the house. 

Does she know how to use those? 

Has she had her period? 

Am I supposed to take her bra shopping?

How do I teach her about this shit?

I don't even know this shit. 

"Isaac...What do I do about feminine things..?" I whispered. 

"Doo you have any female friends from town?" 

"No, but I could call Mrs. Barrett." 

"I think it'd be important if you aren't knowledgeable about that. Call her in the car. We can get that stuff another day." 

"Good plan." 

All of a sudden Liv's face lit up. 

She tried to hide it quickly, but I caught it. 

I followed her line of sight and she was looking at this big dinosaur stuffed animal. 

"You want that?" I asked. 

"N..No thank you." 

"Let's get it." 

"Mom said no more stuffed animals without getting rid of some." 

I don't think she's brought Mom up before. 

Did Mr. Barrett tell her?

"Mom's not here. I say it's cool." 

"I can get it?" 

"Of course." 

"Thank you Ryan." 

We got back to the house, Liv and I went upstairs to set stuff up. 

"Ok should we clear out your old clothes from the closet and put the new ones in?"


"Are you ok getting getting rid of these?" 

She nodded. 

"Ok remember you don't have to get rid of anything you don't want to." 


I helped hang everything up and put away other clothes in the dresser.

"Do you like the color your walls are? We could always change it." 


"Bunny I'm asking, not telling. This is your space. I just want you to feel comfortable in your space." 

"I like the walls." 

"Then we'll keep them like this."

"Thank you." 

"For what?" 

"Everything." She shrugged and said. 

"Of course Bunny." 

"Livy, wanna go on an adventure?" Zeke peeked in and asked Liv. 


"Where are you guys going?" 

"None of your business friend." 

"Just...Be back for dinner." 

"You got it. Don't worry." 

Zeke's POV: 

"Ok I found this trail while I was smoking and I found some cool rocks I thought we could go rock hunting."

"What's rock hunting?" She said really quietly. 

"Just looking for cool rocks." 

We did not come prepared. 

She was so damn giddy. 

I'd never seen her so happy. 

Granted I met her a few days ago, but still. 

My pockets were filled, her pockets were filled, my hat was even filled with rocks. 

"Zeke look at this one!" She said holding up a rock. 

"Woah Livy that one even has moss on it." 

"What's moss?" 

"Just a kind of plant. Likes dark damp areas. And rocks." 

"We should probably head back."

Time got away from us cause we were having so much fun. 


We got in the house and Livy immediately started to put all of her rocks on the table. 

"Ryan wanna look at my rocks." 


Ryan shot me a look. 

He's mad we were gone so long. 

She showed him each individual rock. 

While telling him about it. 

He was trying so hard to act like he cared. 

"Can I keep them?" 

"Of course it's yours. Should we find a box or something to put them in?" 

She nodded her head and started to put them back into her pockets. 

"You can leave them here if you want. We'll be right back." 

"But it's a mess." 

"It's ok." 

"Please don't trick me." 

"It's not a trick Bunny. Nothing bad is going to happen for leaving the rocks for a bit." 


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