Chapter 3

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Since I saw Colin Bridgerton, something changed, it was as if the pieces of a puzzle had found their place. After the ball, it was inevitable to spend time with him. I had tea at his house, he invited me for walks, in every ball he always invited me to dance, he took care of me and he knew what I liked and what I needed even before I said something to him.

It was strange and at the same time so natural, even Cressida walked away, she no longer bothered me or looked for me, it was as if being under the protection of Colin and his family she could do nothing to me.

The dreams continued, only this time I could see Colin's full face, I saw us in another time, walking in a field, laughing, and even sharing secret kisses. The latter made me blush, Colin had always behaved like a gentleman, however I could see that as time passed, we had become more closeand I was hopeful, that perhaps, we could spend the rest of our life together.

"Penelope" I heard my mother's voice as she entered our room "Colin Bridgerton is here to see you."

"Thank you mother, I'll ask Briarly to bring us tea."

"I will, you make sure you have a marriage proposal."


"Shut up! You have to get married to him, only God knows what he sees in you but you have to take advantage of it, I am not going to carry you all my life."

I had always known that I was not my mother's favorite, but hearing her talk about him like that broke my heart, she was not going to force Colin into a marriage, even though we had spent time together, she would never do something like that to him.

"Penelope" Colin's voice took me out of my thoughts, I didn't hear him arrive "Is something wrong?"

"Colin, no, I was just distracted, please sit down."

Contrary to what the etiquette dictated, he sat next to me and took my hands.

"You know you can trust me, right?"

He looked me in the eye and like many times in these weeks, I felt as if we were connected, as if something will happen between us, something beyond what I could see.

"I don't want you to think badly of me" I lowered my gaze to our hands.

"I never would." He gave me one of his beautiful smiles.

"My mother, she thinks, she really believes, that she between us, well..."


"She thinks you have an interest in me for something more than friendship, which she cannot believe, and she has asked me" a lump came to my throat, I could not believe that I was saying this, I could not hide anything from him "requested that I secure a marriage proposal with you."


"But don't worry, I know you don't look at me that way"I hastened to clarify, I didn't want him to think that this was a trick.

"My dear Penelope, I think you have no idea how I see you."

He looked into my eyes and I lost myself in his gaze, his eyes were shining with such intensity that I couldn't answer.

I hated how her family had made Penelope feel over the years, how they despised a beautiful creature like her, because despite the physical resemblance to my wife, she was her own person, she was witty, intelligent and kind. .

I couldn't take my gaze off her, she had me totally trapped.

"I want you to know that beyond what your mother or society believes, you are a beautiful woman" he observed how the ever present blush of her painted her cheeks "And in fact I would be very honored if you allowed me to courtyou."

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