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There was only one memory Lance cherished.

It wasn't when he finally got his first kiss with a blushing girl under the moonlight. It wasn't when he got the second edition of his favorite game after its long-awaited release.

Instead, it was when he caught a certain someone a few blocks away from school feeding a stray cat.

They called the guy both annoying and an attention-seeker, not that they were wrong...just that it wasn't all that he was.

Lance's class clown, the unfunny try-hard Rye, had been squatting near the grocery store, quietly admiring a lovely ginger cat with an empty can of cat food near his feet.

It felt strangely private and intimate, to the point where Lance believed that he was intruding. It made him uncomfortable, watching his fellow classmate be in his own element, a small smile present on those usually loud obnoxious lips.

Instead, Rye was...




Perhaps even...?

Lance took the long way home that evening and it wasn't because he was thinking of a certain smile.

Certainly not.

But one thing he would admit is that he finds Rye to be intriguing, which is why he cherishes that memory.

It was the reason why he paid more attention to Rye these days, especially this morning.

Rye was bragging to his friends about the new game he bought while they were changing their clothes.

The only problem was that every single guy in the changing room could hear him.

It made Lance think for a bit, perhaps about a possible plan. Just to tease Rye a little, no harm done. Maybe get a reaction out of him...or two.

"Fuckkk... how can one guy have so much energy in the morning? My head's gonna split," Alec groaned, clutching his head dramatically.

"You're right, let me go ask."

"Huh? Where are you going? Lance?!"

He ignored Alec's protests and headed straight for Rye, making sure his footsteps were faint and quiet.

Upon reaching him, Lance stared down at Rye's bare back, muscles flexing as he talked animatedly. He wanted to touch them, and so he did.

He leaned in close to whisper in Rye's ear with a firm against his back.

"What's got you all excited?"

With a yelp, Rye flinched and jumped backward like a frightened cat. His eyes were wide and alert, a trembling hand to his ear, and most importantly, a face flushed from embarrassment.

"Huh?! The fuck are you doing?"

Despite Rye's attempt to sound intimidating, his pitch was higher due to his surprise, and his voice was quieter and tamer.

He sounded weak.

This made Lance satisfied, but it sprouted something inside of him. It made him want more. Was this enough for him?

No, it wasn't.

Lance was greedy, and he always got what he wanted.

"I just asked a question. There's no need to get mad."

"Bro, you literally just fucking-"
"What did I even do-"

Their little disagreement was interrupted when a loud booming voice yelled,

"ALRIGHT boys, get to the gym already!"

And everyone scrambled, but Lance wasn't done yet. He confidently walked up to the gym teacher and asked him if he could partner up with someone new... Rye Creed for example.

That's how he ended up with a grumbling Rye doing stretches. Although, Lance noticed that Rye was strangely quiet despite the previous commotion.

Perhaps it was because of the swarm of girls that surrounded them, chatting excitedly to Lance about their latest gossip and plans for a possible hangout.

Though Rye would occasionally wander around to joke with the other guys and complain about his situation, Lance stuck by him to make sure he didn't run away, just as a precaution.

The swarm of girls also stuck by, making Rye grow increasingly frustrated and embarrassed when they ignored his jokes and threw constant jabs at him for being pretentious.

So before P.E class was over, Lance excused his buddy and himself from the group to spend the last few minutes alone.

Just to do what buddies did alone.

"So... trust fall on 3?" Lance asked.

"What," Rye replied.


Lance spread his arms and leaned back, falling painfully on his ass with his arms as support to break the fall.

He groaned in pain, cursing his impulsiveness and Rye's amused expression, and began rubbing his sprained wrist with a sigh with Rye laughing a glorious cry.

"You're high on something for sure," Rye said in between fits of laughter, staring down at Lance.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Now help me up."

Lance enjoyed watching Rye's eyes widen in shock as he was pulled down after reaching out to help. The other boy landed on his chest, limbs flying in all directions.

"Gotcha," Lance triumphantly murmured, observing the confused fool on top of him.

"Fuck off," Rye mumbled, finally coming back to his senses.

"Now where's the fun in that?"

They both stared at each other, Lance's hazel eyes to Rye's green. They both felt a strange heat pooling in their abdomen, prompting them to become hot and bothered.

This was definitely new, and they didn't know how to react.

Instead, Lance tilted his head and murmured to the boy on top of him,

"My ass fucking hurts. Can we stand up?"

Rye obliged with a pleased chuckle, standing up carefully before reaching out to Lance who accepted his hand.

The school bell signaled the end of the class and both boys lingered around awkwardly, not knowing what to do.

"So I guess I'll see you later then?" Lance asked, resting his arm on Rye's shoulder.

"Yeah, for sure. Maybe like in 5 minutes? Since we have the same fucking class, you idiot."

"Oh, right. My bad, I guess I just never noticed you." Lance replied, power walking away in case Rye got angry.

"Oh yeah? Well, without that pretty face everyone would hate your weird personality!"

So Rye thought that Lance had a pretty face, interesting.

Lance chuckled at Rye, no wonder they all called him a dumbass. His insults were more like compliments if you think about it.

At least Lance had a new reason to go to school:
to tame the school's wild tiger.


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