Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

"What's going on?" Dick asked, trying to process everything that happened in the short period of time.

"You mean the fact that Raven knows that Duke was a manbat, and she was able to come up with a solution within ten seconds flat?" Tim asked.

"Or maybe, you are asking about why she knows our secret identities that Bruce spent centuries keeping from everyone after Superman discovered his," Jason asked.

"Really? That's what you are worried about?" Tim chuckled. "We can easily kidnap her, mind swipe the information, and return her back to Azarath before Alfred starts—Wait, are you upset that you couldn't find out her identity, but she was able to find out yours?"

Jason stared at Tim for a second. "No."

Tim studied him for a moment and smirked. "If you say so."

"No, what's going on with Raven?" Dick clarified. "She isn't the type to visit a friend unexpectedly after a long period."

And she wasn't the type to ask for help, even if she needed it.

Dick still recalled the scared teenager covered in blood while shaking in fear. Yet her eyes screamed "danger" as he tried to approach her.

Jason said, "We don't know. She said that she needed to speak to Damian."

"Damian?" The eldest son raised an eyebrow.

"Yea." Jason confirmed. "She said that he would want to meet with her."

"She wasn't lying about that," said Tim. "Did you see how fast he took her out of here?"

"Yeah," Dick whispered as he thought.

"What are you thinking about?" asked Tim.

"Raven might be in trouble. This could be related to the reason she returned to Azarath suddenly."

"You might be right. You did say that Damian took the news hard?"

Dick nodded. He remembered the pitiful look on Damian's face when he had informed his little brother that his favorite teacher had resigned from the Titans Institute. "All she left was a letter with no explan—"

Dick's words stopped in his mouth as a familiar scent penetrated the air.

"Please, don't tell me that is what I think it is?" Tim asked as they turned to face Jason.

"You have got to be kidding me." Dick said.


Damian stopped moving. With both regret and need, he let his mate go and took a few steps back. He desired to see all of her.

Their three years apart has been good to her, or maybe his memory of her failed to live up to the reality. She was stunning. Her pale skin helped highlight her silky, shoulder length black hair and crimson lips. And her eyes. Her amethyst eyes almost brought him to his knees.

He wanted her.

But he couldn't have her.

Not like this.

He hadn't found it yet, but he knew there had to be a way to break their curse. Until then, he needed Raven to stay in Azarath.

"We need to talk." "Why have you come?" They both spoke at the same time.

Silence followed.

It was during the silent moment that Raven gazed away from him to take in his hidden lair located in the snowy mountain of Canada. He had decorated that lair with her in mind. He had used the dark colors that she preferred along with the gothic designs that she admired. Here and there, one could notice his presence, such as the twin swords hanging on the wall. But the lair, which all male vampires had for themself and their mates, mainly focused on her comfort.

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