Chapter 5

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"Can we get along?"

~Rodney King


Chapter 5

The shower that Dick had suggested that he take wasn't helping. While it cleared the dirt and sweat from his skin, it did nothing to alleviate the rage in his blood.

Throwing back his fist, Damian slammed it into the wall.

Seconds later, his stomach churned, and vomit surged out of his mouth. It mixed with the water, tumbling down the drain.

Soon the vomit cleared. Yet, the water remained soiled. It was red because of his bloody tears and the emotions that he couldn't contain.

Raven was the only woman that he had taken notice of. The only one that he loved. Yet, he couldn't seem to hold on to her.

Every time she was in his grasp, she became like sand and slipped through his fingers. Just like the day she mated with him.


He took a deep breath, which was a mistake. A common mistake that he always made when she was around him. Her scent negated the effect that one deep breath would have made.


He closed his eyes and prayed to Jesus that he didn't embarrass himself in front of her...again, although she never noticed.

He had always been quick to hide his erections and closed his mouth when he felt himself about to stutter. No one had yet to notice the effect his crush of seven years had on him. Well, no one except Jon, who taunted him mercilessly about it.


He looked down at his advisor, who called his name. He was one of ten students under her advisement and the only one that stayed doing the Christmas break.

In fact, they were the only two in the school. The others had left for vacation a week ago.

He had used a fight with his father as an excuse to remain here. A fight that he purposely started.


He watched her walk past the tree before joining her on the ground. He didn't think he could handle her calling his name again.

"You called?" he said

She sprung around. Her hands raise with magic.

Once the shock of his appearance faded a second later, her hands dropped.

"Don't sneak up behind me. I can hurt you. How many times do I have to tell you?"

A thousand. She didn't know how enticing she looked when she was startled. "Did you need something?"

"No," she said with a fleeting smile, "but I want to give you something." She dug around in her robe and pulled out a small box wrapped in Christmas nativity decorations. She presented it to him.

"What is this?"

One of her eyebrows lifted. "It's pretty obvious."

Yes, but he hadn't been expecting it. She'd never given him a present before. She wasn't sentiment like some of the other advisors. She showed her affection in other ways. But if he had known that she would have gotten him a gift, he would have prepared one for her, too.

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