Annoyed King

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"I'm gonna kill them both... I swear to fucking fuck I'm gonna kill them." He growled and tossed a glass bottle toward the door.

Lucifer caught it. "Brother, honestly. You really are such a child sometimes. What now?"

"That asshole imp and our damn nephew... "

"You told her to go out, have fun."

"I didn't mean with them... "

"You never said she couldn't, and if you do now she will think something  is wrong and you will chase her away..." Lucifer smirked.

"Fuck I hate it when you are right. Well at least they haven't had sex... I have an idea..."

"Do go on."

"He's at a Motel... I'll just have one of his stalkers take a picture of where he is, and post it on Sinstigram.  It's not like he'll want to be with a creepy stalker girl."

"No he won't." Lucifer grinned and lifted a brow. "So gonna entice her with some pictures to go to Wrath huh?"

"Think it'll work?" Bael asked. 

"Yeah, should be fun to watch too." He chuckled.

"Mmmm... yeah. Heh, time to set things in motion."


He put the idea into one of the local Wrathborn imp's head. 

Didn't take long for Sinstigram to blow up with images of the cowboy at a Motel, though the exact one no one could tell. 

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