Prologue- Eternal Damnation

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For these damned 10 years I had stayed in heaven with my good people of Massachusetts. For years, we had wandered the Earth as the living dead, walking in regret of what we had done. I was the one who was responsible- if it wasn't for me- the curse wouldn't have been placed and Agatha would have lived to her adulthood... The little girl that didn't have a chance to grow up...She was vengeful and enraged that I had purposefully killed her, and that the other pilgrims had accused her of the horrible crime of witchcraft. I believed what we were doing was right... But I was wrong, and walking around as rotting corpses was our punishment...

We were scared of her power... We were scared of her...

We thought that we had knew our way in life... But in death- in the afterlife... We are lost. Especially me in particular. Out of all the victims of Agatha's curse- my soul has to be one of the most tortured and lost. I had wanted peace, but at the same time, felt like I was damned. Sure, Agatha had forgiven me for killing her, as well as her accusers for making her be killed, but that wasn't enough. I still had felt guilty. I had demanded God that I felt damned and wished to suffer eternal damnation- but he refused. For 10 years I had stayed up above, restless and anguished. But it was a little girl- a little bit older than Agatha- perhaps 14 or 15 summoned my spirit, and I could not be more grateful. Now I can do what I felt like doing in the first place- suffering in eternal damnation...It's what I deserve as a punishment, and I will not stop at anything.

What's even worse is that as a rotting corpse, life was different than in 1692. People wore strange clothes, wielded strange weapons and rode in these strange contraptions called "cars". I had clung to back of one- and it was an experience I wouldn't share with anyone. It seemed like everywhere me and the people turned, everything was new and frightening. 2012 was scary- but 2022- ten years later after my spirit had finally passed- things were even more scary.

Can I go back to the 17th century? I'm scared in this strange new Massachusetts, and everyone except me has let go of the curse. Is it strange for a zombie- or ghost for that matter to be scared? Maybe ghosts have nightmares...

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