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Hello everyone, this is Bluey here, creator of Spirit Halloween; the Musical. I know a lot of you have been wondering where the FUCK I've been for the last year and what I've been doing, so this chapter is here to explain that.

Let get something off of my chest right now... I know a lot of you have been siked to see SHTM; ParaMollNan, a successor to Laika's second major feature film; ParaNorman, released 10 years earlier (the story took place in October of 2022, movie came out in August of 2012). I was also excited to work on it since the history of the Salem Witch Trials was one of my hyperfixations, and still is. Plus, it gave a breath of fresh air to everyone who loves the film and the history behind it. But, unfortunately, the release of  ParaMollNan isn't going to happen. The project has been canceled as of late 2023.

I just grew bored and tired of remembering the same old story and plot line, tired of drawing the same characters in every single frame, and I felt pressured to release it soon- since it takes place in 2022...which was like...almost 2 years ago as of when I am writing this announcement (May of 2024).

Remember, too, that I have a life OUTSIDE of making progress for the series. I am currently a junior in high school, and since the school year is coming rapidly to a close, even more pressure is put on me to finish assignments, get my grades up, and priorities of the like. I also have a part-time high school job now in New Holland and work from 4 to 8 p.m., so I barely have any free time to make such things.

Hopefully, you all understand why I  have canceled the project, and look forward to further installments in the SHTM series. The fourth installment, Battle Of the Bones, is set to release some time this year, so keep a lookout!

Also, recently, the voice actor who provided the human and Zombie voice for Judge Hopkins (Bernard Hill) has recently passed away on May 5th, 2024. I was positively devastated to hear the news since he played such a major character in the film. As to memorize his accomplishments and honor his voice work, the character of Judge Hopkins will continue to appear in SHTM, just as a background character, and not as connected to the plot as he was in ParaMollNan. I hope you all enjoy seeing him more often, and let's hope that Mr. Hill rests in peace.

I believe that is all for now. Please continue to be awesome people and support each other!!! Thank you for listening!!!

-Bluey, creator, director, main artist, and VA for the Spirit Halloween; the Musical

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