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As soon as I had climbed into my treehouse, I immediately changed into a strapped top and bell bottom pajama pants, colliding into my blow up bed (yes, sadly, since my parents died and since I built the treehouse, I didn't have a real bed- only a small blow up bed with some winter covers on top), along with slamming a laptop on the surface. I looked at the slip Norman had given me, and typed "SalAM" into the searchbar. I clicked on the channel with a witch for it's icon (witches are basically the mascots of our school and generally our town because of the Salem Witch Trials), and clicked again on the video titled "10/29/22".

What I watched then was a compilation of unending joy and laughter. I haven't laughed or smiled in ages, and this broadcast made me do both of those things. Started off with Norman- awkward as when we first met trying to write the SalAm logo like the Disney Channel wand intro. It wasn't long before Mr. Blackton decided to intervene and do it for him instead. I had never seen Mr. Blackton have so much fun in his life; especially since he was so stern in talking about the curse; as well as in school. He's an honors teacher; we all tried to avoid those because they expect high performance from their students- and for me and Gale, that's just TOO much pressure.

Like Norman had said; it was exactly like a news broadcast. There was a main news desk, along with the script on a TV behind it, showing the announcement in full print; with Norman and a chubby boy with ginger hair at his side. The announcements were mostly about reminders for homecoming (which was a day after this story takes place), along with the Pranderghast Massacre history; which sort of made me shudder a bit, since I forgot I had a ghost on the loose. When the video was finished, I closed the laptop and put it on a desk next to the blow up bed. I pulled over the covers and fell into a deep sleep, unfortunately, I had the worst dream anybody could've had. I was a toddler in the dream, though in real life, I was 15 years old.

"But I like my old school! And my old house! It's gonna be boring there!" I whined.

"Now, don't think like that, Addie."

"Yep, you're mother's right, kiddo. Think about the positives, out with the negatives."

I swear that outside my dream, I was crying. I was crying in my sleep because those voice were those of my late parents who passed away in the car crash. Unfortunately, I didn't realize what was happening fully until after the horrific dream was over.

"But I'll miss my friends at my old school!" 5-year-old me whined again.

"Oh, but you'll make new friends at your new Kindergarten class, Addie!"

I folded my tiny and weak arms. "Huh? With whom? Witches?" I asked sarcastically. Apparently at 5, I had already known about the town's reputation. It wasn't long before my late mom had screamed "Bill, watch out!"

Everything was silent.

I ran out of the car as fast as my little legs could get me to. Good thing I ran, because the car had engulfed into flames. I breathed heavily, salt-tasted tears streamed down my face. I screamed in anger and fear.

"MOM!!! DAD!!!"

My little lungs had breathed so heavily, I thought that I would burst.

When I woke up, cold sweat covered my entire body. I was breathing heavily in fear. I suddenly realized what had happened- I had a replay of my parents's death. "Gale.. I need to call Gale.." my voice squeaked out harshly. I ran into my wooden closet with my phone, and dialed her phone number. As I was waiting for her to pick up, the atmosphere in the treehouse seemed colder than usual. Like outside during winter. As I panted out, my lungs feelings as if they were about to burst, Gale finally picked up, her voice concerned and worried.

"A-Addie? Are you okay? Why are you calling me so late at night?"

I felt miserable, tears were dripping down my cheeks as I sat in the hot wooden box full of clothing. "Gale...I dreamt about my parents death..." I squeaked out, my voice trying not to trail off into a burst of tears. Gale tried to comfort me through the phone; whispering and shushing me. "Hey Addison, it's okay to grieve. Seeing your parents grave must've made you feel emotional... Just listen to my voice, it's alright." Everything WASN'T alright- and I could feel it. The cold temperature WASN'T normal; and I knew that. I bit my lip in an attempt at trying not to sob. "Even worse... I think the inside of my house is getting colder..." My hair started to stand on end. "I need to hang up, bye Gale." Gale screamed not to hang up, but I did so, in a panic, in fear that something bad might happen.

I suddenly remembered that I was in my closet- damn, getting emotional sure does make you forget things easily. I changed my old comfort clothes/pajamas into a long sleeve pajamas set; green top, brown pants, and tried to go to sleep.... But I couldn't. I put my phone on my end table and plugged it in to charge it, but I still couldn't seem to get to sleep. My eyes felt heavy, but my breath and body said otherwise. My breath felt heavy; like there was a lump in my throat, and safe to say, there WAS. My eyes widened in terror as my light from the candle I usually held extinguished all by itself. This was when I REALLY started to freak out. I sprang from the blow up bed at once; my legs shaking, so did my whole body and my breath. My back stiffened as I heard the sound of rubber shoes with buckles on then slowly climb up the stairs to my treehouse, when suddenly they stopped all together... It was then that I saw the same thing that got me and Gale to huddle at the cemetery; the THING I feared the most that had ALL the answers to the questions I've been looking for...

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