Blithe Hollow High

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(Rest of the story is being told in Addie/Molly's point of view)

The school bell rung in Blithe Hollow/Hill High School. The town used to be called Blithe Hollow, but it derived from name to name due to the Pranderghast Massacre of 1692. People say the town is a cursed place, but honestly, I could care less. I walked up to my locker with a tired, yet hateful expression, and sighed deeply.

"I hate history."

Then I slammed the locker door- though it was empty.

My name is Addison. Addison Wilcott. But you can just call me Addie- all my friends do. You might know me for my ancestor- Amelia Wilcott. You know, the custodian of the local garden in Salem who accused Agatha Pranderghast of witchcraft? That happened almost 330 years ago... It's not like it would be relevant to today right? Well, I was wrong.. This is my story.

As I walked through the hallway to get to my final class (Language Arts), I saw a girl with a black shirt and baggy jeans ruffle through the belongs of her locker. I immediately recognized her, and called her by name. This girl with the heavy eyeshadow and black clothing with the baggy jeans is none other than my BFF- my only one- Gale Temper. Her last name is for a good reason, she gets angry very easily, once you get in her way when she's angry- you're gonna be dead. Her ancestor also accused Ms. Pranderghast of witchcraft.. Goodie Temper- a widow and manufacturer of dairy products. We exchanged fist bumps and headed to our classes.

As for me, I had to sit in Mrs. Schrader's dusty old room full of ancient books- listening to her ramble about Arthur Miller's "The Crucible" for 30-40 minutes. I answered a question about McCarthyism, but that was the only time I had spoken in that class before the bell rang to signal the end of the day. It was time for me to go to work to Mrs. Scott's Greenhouse- when I heard loud sniggering. And this wasn't the type of laugh you would hear from friends laughing along the corridor walking from class to class- I could hear a distinct feminine voice- laughing menacingly. My head snapped around fast, my eyes widened. Aggison Pranderghast- a common school bully, and senior of the high school was picking on Gale! Aggison was a mean, snooty girl who enjoyed gossip and teasing others. Me and Gale call her "The Regina George of Salem" because of Mean Girls, and she acts fake. She doesn't care about anybody- and will tease you incessantly- whether she insults what you wear or make fun of your name. Unlike her ancestor, Aggison was a mean, cold-hearted son of a bitch whom nobody dared to glare or gaze at. And as her friend, I knew that Gale was not a person to be messed with- so I knew that something had to be done- and fast.

"Well well, if it isn't Ms. Gale Temper." sneered Aggison with a sinister grin. Gale shifted in her spot silently, her arms crossed on each other. She scoffed and rolled her eyes. "I've seen your license plate-" Gale started, "and it reads the word 'dick'. It's also pretty basic."

This was true for a fact- Gale is months older than me, which means she turned 16 before me. Her father is a police officer- which means not only is he a respected member of the community- but he also had a large amount of money. He gave a portion of it to Gale, and she spent her moolah on a brand new car. It's a minty silverish-green- and her license plate bears her family name- it reads "TEMPER". Maybe it stayed put as that word because of the family- I'm not entirely sure. But everyone was jealous of Gale for the license plate on her car.

Aggison rolled her eyes. "Oh, that's because my family isn't as prestigious as yours... You see.. The only reason that you have that license plate is because your father is a COP." She said that last word in a distasteful sort of tone. Gale's eyebrows knotted, her teeth clenched together. "Don't you dare blame my father for this..." she upstarted. Aggie put a hand on her hip, tilting her head to one side. "Oh, I can, and I will... Did you know that your family once were dairy manufacturers during the witch trials? Your ancestor, Goodie Temper was referred to as a looney for accusing my ancestor of witchcraft, therefore your family is full of frauds and looneys..." I could see Gale starting to breathe heavily, tears coming from her eyes. She was very defensive of herself- but making fun of her family was the last straw. Through gritted teeth, she mouthed; "Don't your dare talk to me like that.. Especially about my family!" Aggison gave an evil smirk and chanted the word "looney" under her breath. I expected the worst, and the worst did come.

Gale started to bark much like a dog, her face as red as a cherry. Her crying left streaks of her eyeshadow dripping down her face. She almost looked like she was a cat about to pounce on it's prey...


All attention was turned onto me, even the witchy bitch turned back to only lower her eyelids and smile. "Well, well, well... If it isn't Ms. Wilcott..." she began. I didn't have time to waste, so I quickly stated; "If you hurt Gale, I will hurt you." Aggison's eyes widened, looking like a frightened puppy. "Aww... Isn't that cute! What are ya gonna do to me?" Her worried expression regained her evil smirk once more. She went on about how my ancestor Amelia worked as a custodian for the local garden when she was alive, and as such- I have nothing to prove against her. "That would be McCarthyism, wouldn't it?" The son of a bitch clicked her tongue. "Addie, Addie, Addie.. What a bad girl..." Her eyes regained the sarcastic puppy dog eyes. "So, what are you gonna do to me? Cut my head off with gardening shears?" After this, Aggison released a laugh, a terrible mean girl laugh that only mean girls would do to be sarcastic. Sassily, she tossed her hair over one of her shoulders and put one hand on her hip. "Well, I'll see you girls later... I have to go to DETENTION." Me and Gale exchanged sad glances. Gale's mascara was dripping down from her eyes- she almost looked like she was high on drugs- but that would be disrupting her family's reputation. She spoke in a quavering voice.

"Gee, Addie... That took real balls to do..."

As soon as Gale said that, the girl going to detention snapped her body towards me. I panicked- but tried to compose myself for Gale. "Oh, and one more thing," she remarked, "I have this plant from plant science that I don't want... Would you mind if I threw it at you?" Aggison held a small tree in a blue-white pot, and hurled it towards my direction. Before I could run fast enough, soil from the plant covered my pale skin. I heard laughter emit from the Regina George of Blithe Hill High, pondering for a moment before splashing water onto my face. The soil, now sloshy and wet, soaked into my face, but I could feel my warm tears of humiliation stream down it. "Alright, now I really need to go... See you later ladies..." and Aggison walked away, sniggering a terrible laugh.

As soon as Ms. Regina George was gone, Gale looked concerned for me. "Addie, are you okay-" she began. I couldn't think or even speak. I just kept on sobbing.

"I hate EVERYONE!!!"

I immediately ran away from Gale in an impulse to go to the bathroom to recompose myself.

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