the backstory.../685\

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3rd person POV:

Eugene: this is the story of how me and my little sister in-law died...

Rapunzel and Kerrigan: Eugene..!

Eugene: but don't worry! The truth is this is a very fun story and it isn't even mine..! This is the story of a girl named Rapunzel and a boy named Varian!

Varian: why is he telling our story again..?

Kerrigan: who knows Vari...

Eugene cleared his throat as silence filled the area

Eugene: anyways it starts with the sun..! So-! Once upon a time a single drop of sunlight fell from the heavens... And from that small drop of sun grew a magic golden flower..! It has the ability to heal the sick and injured...

Kerrigan: is that Gothel..?

Varian: I think it is...

Kerrigan: sheesh-..

Eugene: oh you see that old woman over there..?

Rapunzel: yes Eugene we're not blind!

Eugene: you might wanna remember her she's kind of important..!

Kerrigan: who can forget her...

Eugene: well-! Centuries passed a hop skip and a boat ride away there grew a kingdom! And the kingdom was ruled by a beloved king and queen..! And the queen- she was about to have a baby! And she got sick... Really sick..!

Kerrigan: Eugene stop your making Rapunzel cry!

Rapunzel's whimpering could be heard in the background

Eugene: she was running out of time and that's when people usually start to look for a miracle in this case the magic golden flower..!

Rapunzel: can this just not happen?

Kerrigan: sorry raps author needs content so-!

Kerrigan's voice was soon muffled

Varian: don't break the 4th wall m'lady...

It was muffled for a little longer until he uncovered her mouth

Kerrigan: sorry sorry..! Your right shouldn't do that...

Eugene: ah-! I told you she'd be important! Instead of sharing the sun's gift this woman mother Gothel hoarded it's healing power and used it to keep herself young for hundreds and hundreds of years..!

Kerrigan: how old was Gothel again?

Varian: I don't actually know..!

Eugene: and all she had to do was sing a special song-..

Kerrigan: can I sing it Eugene please, please, please!

Eugene: go ahead kerr..!

Kerrigan: (-flower gleam and glow~.. Let your power shine~ make the clock reverse... Bring back what once was mine~ What once was mine~..-)

Varian: wow super talented as usual m'lady..!

Kerrigan: aww var!

Eugene: alright you get the just she sings to it she turns young creepy right??

Captain Gainey: we found it!

Eugene: the magic of the golden flower healed the queen..! And a healthy baby girl a princess was born with beautiful golden hair!

Kerrigan: aww Rapunzel looks so cute..!

Varian: I bet we'd make a cuter one...

Eugene: to far kid to far!

Kerrigan: I mean I wouldn't mind-..

Eugene: nope to young to talk about that!!

Rapunzel: Eugene their 17...

Eugene: still! Anyways-! I'll give you a hint that's Rapunzel and to celebrate her birth the king and queen launched a floating lantern into the sky..! For that one moment everything was perfect! And then that moment ended... Gothel broke into the castle stole the child and just like that-! Gone..! The kingdom searched and searched but they could not find the princess... But deep within the forest in a hidden tower Gothel raised the child as her own..! With another his father named him and he was there to keep Rapunzel company... Rapunzel would have been 4 years old once varian came-! Anywho Gothel had found her new magic flower but this time she was determined to keep it hidden..!

Little Rapunzel: why can't I go outside?

Mother Gothel: the outside world is a dangerous place filled with horrible selfish people..! You must stay here where your brother safe... Do you understand flower?

Little Rapunzel: yes mommy..!

Eugene: but the walls of that tower could not hide everything and each year on her birthday the king and queen released thousands of lanterns in the sky! In hope that one day their lost princess would return..! A man who is a friend of the king hoped for his son's safe return as well...

varian x mainOC(tangled movie AU)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن