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Story Kerrigan's POV:

Quickly me and Eugene rode to the tower on Maximus this wasn't how it was all cloudy and dark

Eugene: Rapunzel let down your hair!

Me: Eugene..!

He started climbing the wall and Rapunzel's hair was let down

Me wait-! What if it's a trap..?

Eugene: we still need to help them...

I nodded and we climbed up her hair I saw her and varian chained up

Me: vari-

Soon my stomach was stabbed and so was Eugene's I started crying and varian was reaching for me as he thrashed the chains against the pillar she freed them and started dragging them somewhere

Mother Gothel: let's go Rapunzel

Rapunzel: please let me heal them! Let varian hold her one last time you can chain them up and they won't follow us just please..!

Varian: please mother we love them...

She chained us up and varian held me as I bled out

Varian: your gonna be ok..!

Me: varian don't go...

Varian: I have to-.. Just hold on a little longer please..!

I watched as Eugene cut Rapunzel's hair making me smile

Rapunzel: Eugene-!

Mother Gothel: no, No, NO! what have you done...?! what have you done?!?

Mother Gothel started to freak out making me smirk as she fell out of the window of the tower

Story Varians POV:

As I watched her fall I looked at Kerrigan as she laid still next to Eugene I sobbed into her shirt as Rapunzel tried to redo the incantation I saw a tear fall from her and Kerrigan's eye

Me: (-flower, gleam and glow... Let your powers shine~.. Make the clock reverse... Bring back what once was mine..! Heal what has been hurt~..-)

She sung with me

Rapunzel: (-Change the fates' design... Save what has been lost..! Bring back what once was mine-..-) What once was mine...

We both cried looking at their bodies just then a glow formed around the four of us one gold one silver I looked at her stab wound to see it was gone I looked at her face with hope in my eyes as her eyes fluttered open

Kerrigan: varian..?

Me: m'lady...

Kerrigan: did I ever tell you that you look cute when your happy..?

Me: m'lady!

I hugged her tightly and Rapunzel hugged Eugene then we looked at each other she was smiling

Kerrigan: come're cutie..!

She then smacked my lips against hers I kissed back seconds later

Kerrigan: Rapunzel I think there's something I need to tell you...

I looked at her now forest green eyes

Rapunzel: we're sisters I already know..!

Hours later at the castle

Story Kerrigan's POV:

We were waiting on the balcony for the king and queen

Rapunzel: you nervous?

Me: to be honest-.. A little bit..!

Varian wrapped his arms around me making me smile

Varian: it's ok m'lady I'm sure they'll love both of you...

Me: thanks varian..!

Just then the door opened suddenly the queen slowly approached me and Rapunzel looking straight into our eyes she started to cry then hugged us both it took no time at all for Rapunzel to respond while... I was still hesitant but hugged back king Frederick joined in the hug I pulled varian and Eugene in myself and varian nuzzled me the whole time

varian x mainOC(tangled movie AU)Where stories live. Discover now