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We reached the center of the town square where the talent show had already started.

"This is a good place." Enri said, "You get to see a lot of unique talents."

"I see," My heart had already begun pounding and I wondered how'd he react when he sees me up there. We both stood in the crowd enjoying the show when we heard a familiar voice.

"Captain!" It was Rose, "I need to borrow our little songbird for a few minutes." She came and threw her arm around me.

"Where are you taking her?" Enri didn't exactly like the suggestion, which wasn't a suggestion. She was going to take me away no matter what.

"I said I'd bring her back in a few minutes. So don't ask me questions."

"I should at least know where you're dragging her." He asked as he folded his arms while she smirked.

"What? You can bear to separate from her even for a few minutes."

Her words left both of us speechless.

Enri was flabbergasted.

"Fine! Take her," Of course, he would give in after hearing that, "But bring her back to me!"

"Of course!" Rose teased him, "Just stay where you are." She shooed at him, "Enjoy the talent show." She then dragged me away and we disappeared into the crowd.


Am I overreacting? I shook my head as I tried to get the impure thoughts out of my mind, unsuccessfully.

It's all because she kept eating things she had to suck on! And what the hell was that milk candy??! Who invented that shit!!?

I shook my head.

I'm an adult, I shouldn't be fazed by these things...

I sighed at myself. But I can't get it out of my head!

God! I'm sorry!

I can't believe I'm acting like a teenager!! I'm above thirty! And I'm not new to this stuff for heaven's sake!!

"Next up," The announcer spoke on stage, "We've got a lady singing for us! Quite a lovely one at that!"

I tried to divert my attention towards the stage to stop thinking. The announcer pointed at the contestant, "Please welcome, Mavis!!"

I saw Mavis walk to the center.

On stage?!?!

My eyes went wide as the spotlight was thrown on her and she took her place with the mike in her hands.


I blinked at her in confusion, I had no idea she was a participant-


Rose came into my mind and I let out an exasperated sigh.

No wonder she came out of nowhere and took her away. This must be their doing.

But, oh well.

I smiled.

At least I get to listen to her sing again.

I sort of missed it.

All my thoughts became empty as she brought the mike to her lips and sang. The melody was sweet, lively, warm and somehow it felt like it was full of love.

The crowd grew completely quiet when she was performing and all the eyes were fixed on her but she looked at me.

It made my heart race a little.

I gulped feeling a little funny.

When I saw her, I felt something warm bubble up inside of me.

Her singing brought peace to the soul.

I smiled.

Like a songbird.


I covered my face as I realized something.

Oh shit!


My eyes went wide as I realized there were other feelings getting attached to me.


I kept my eyes on her as I started feeling a little weird.

Why her?

I've helped countless people in my life but why is she different? Why does her sole image weigh on my head so much?

Because she's pretty? Because I'm enchanted by her voice? Why?

I gulped

Could it be? Because she's pursued me like no one else?


The others knew I wasn't the serious kind so they never got attached to me but it was different in her case.

Oh God...

My other hand retreated to the back of my neck as I started getting nervous.

Just then, an immense amount of sudden pain penetrated my stomach.

What the? My eyes went wide as I looked down at the sword piercing my body. Hell??

I glanced behind me.

"You're in my way," It was Mavis's mother, "You need to be out of the picture for me to get my daughter back." She yanked the sword out injuring me further.


I can't believe I let my guard down. This has never happened before... She had stabbed me right in the stomach. The injury was huge and the pain was crucifying.

Her actions left a hole in my stomach from where blood started to spill out like a stream.

The Siren's Lullaby  (Isekai Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now