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A/N: I'm finally back! I'm so sorry for not updating! My exams just finished so I will be back updating

"Huh?.." The two brothers slowly opened their eyes, expecting to see the monster in front of them exepct only to be greeted by Yashiro, holding a katana

The katana looked like water, pink fish carved into the katana as design, the tsuka of the katana was just a plain light blue color with little cyan lines on it

"S-senpai?!" Kou stuttered at the sight, everyone's eyes' were wide open from suprise. What suprised them the most was Yashiro's expresssion, Yashiro looked so serious it was frightening. Her eyes were dull, losing the sparkle there was before

"Are you guys okay?.." Yashiro mumbled, still looking at the monster infront of her

"Yea..." Teru nodded, terrified, he has never met any apprehensions like this

"Please go hide somewhere safe" Yashiro ordered, worry could slightly be heard from the tone of her voice. The brothers nodded slowly, Teru helped his brother get up since he had an injury coming from the attack

"Oh??? A little cocky aren't we?!!" The demon laughed as it threw Yashiro a few inches away. Seeing that, the beast growled narrowing it's eyes

"Do you know who I am?!! I'm one of the twelve kizukis!" Saying that, Yashiro only laughed as she knew it was a lie. The demon didn't had any number in his eyes as with his's not even the as strong as a lowermoon

"Hmm.." The creamy haired girl could only hum as she was thinking of a way to kill the montrosity

You might be thinking..why not just behead it? Well, Yashiro's friends were here and she could only imagine them looking at her with disgust in their eyes like she killed someone

"Aha!" Yashiro clicked her tounge, quickly but not that quick ran towards the demon

The demon tried to attack Yashiro but only managing to get a little scratch on one of her arm. As the demon scratched her, the demon actually got some of Yashiro's blood on it's claws

"Hahaa!! Guess you aren't so good yourself!" The demon laughed as it licked Yashiro's blood on it's claw. The demon stopped half way as it started to feel dizzy

After a few fast seconds, the demon was dead, it looked deformed and blue. Everyone looked at Yashiro in suprise, baffled

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2022 ⏰

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