Meeting Botania

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Given her bubbly, excitable attitude, I honestly expected Izzy to be rushing around her kitchen and throwing stuff all over the place. But she didn't – and in a mere hour or so, the first batch was ready.

"So how did I do?" Izzy asked excitedly, leaning in with a pleading grin.

"Hold your teacups," I said, holding up a hand and shuffling over to the table. "You've just put down the tray. Let me find Sunny."

I stood up and took off out the door, heading straight for the teahouse. Apart from Izzy's home, there was no other place I recognized or was otherwise familiar with. Besides, I did express my objective to ask about unicorn history... so naturally Alphabittle would be a good start, given his age.

I tapped on the door twice and stepped inside. As in Maretime Bay, there were a few gasps but most remained calm, and a few even smiled at me with a couple good mornings here and there. Sunny was at a table in the far corner, talking with a senior unicorn mare.

"Hey," I said softly, pulling up a wooden barstool. Right away the old mare's head turned, eyes wide in astonishment.

"This is the guy I was telling you about," Sunny said, her voice a little slow and awkward.

"It's good to meet you, ma'am," I said with a warm smile. "My name is Aiden."

The old mare reluctantly extended her hoof, and we exchanged a gentle handshake – one unlike any I had ever experienced before. Beneath her hands lay skin that felt like a thousand years of life in all states and phases. It felt like I was connected to the magic of the forest and the spirit of nature itself.

"I'm Botania Petals."

"Wow," I whispered silently. Her voice felt as fluid and wholesome as the leaves in the breeze. I might as well have met a Native American shaman or healer. Now I was convinced; if there was wany pony in Bridlewood who would know about ancient Equestrian magic, it was her. But first, I had to take care of breakfast.

"Rolls are waiting on you and I – and they're getting colder by the minute," I teased. "Let's eat."

"Botania's been involved in the ancient Equestrian practices of spells and natural healing all her life," Sunny said excitedly as we fast-walked back to Izzy's house.

"Well, let's hope inter-dimensional travel is amongst them," I quipped, tapping a knock.

The door opened, and a slightly disappointed Izzy stood with a fresh batch of cinnamon rolls suspended with her telekinesis.

"Sorry. Didn't mean to be away that long."

"It's understandable, especially when – "

"– You meet an older pony who knows about a lot old Equestrian magic and history?" Sunny piped up with a double hoof-kick floor tap that caused a great struggle for me not to chuckle with a blush at how cute it looked.

"...Yep," I finished flatly, making my way over to the table. The first batch was surprisingly still warm, and Sunny and I savored every mouthful in silence as if we hadn't eaten deserts in years. There was no doubt: my preserved recipe was revolutionary by Izzy's standard.

"This is... amazing, Aiden!" Sunny exclaimed, her lips smeared with cinnamon paste. "We should offer some at the tea house."

"Absotutely!" Izzy chimed in, scooping up the remainder and dropping them into a cloth-lined wicker basket. I retrieved my iPad from the kitchen, checked to ensure the stove was off, and we returned to the tea house. Right off the bat, I became the center of attention. It was as if the battle of last night had been wiped from their minds. Questions about the recipe and its history came pouring in. To thwart any possible jealousy, I gave Sunny a few gentle headpats to reassure her.

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