Towards the Sky

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Cinnamon rolls are one of the most amazing treats to eat, without a doubt. But as a starter meal in the morning, they are not ideal. Mere minutes into packing up the tent and I could feel the sugar rush in my veins. Sunny was simply sounding and looking positive all-round, while Izzy was chatty and bouncy.

"At least she's not bouncing off like a basketball," I thought with a smile.

"Let's keep moving," Sunny declared. There were no ifs or buts about that. Our worn feet were now refreshed, so we hit the road and kept walking for another 45 minutes non-stop.

"My legs feel tired," Izzy groaned, wiggling her forehoof.

"Would you rather have me carry you but leave the paramotor behind?" I teased.

"Oh um no-nah, nah it's alright Aiden, my legs are fine, totally fine, yeah," Izzy sputtered, and I bit my lip fiercely to hold back laughter.

We eventually took a rest at the hour mark, and I glanced around. Just a city block's length off the road stood a couple of boulders. Climbing up, we sat back in the natural aura. The sky was dotted with blend of cirrus and cumulus clouds with the pale yellow sun casting widely over a wide grassland dotted with no less than four types of trees. I wiped my eyes and subtly shook my head in wonder at how beautiful Equestria could be.

Even Izzy, who had likely traveled down this path at least once before in her life, smiled with humble happiness.

"Everything those radiant rays touch, is ours to explore, observe and seek understanding and meaning from," I began, pointing to the sun as I quickly realized the convenience of the setting. "But with such a journey comes great challenges and responsibilities – for one's self, and for others whom they choose to form close positive bonds with during the journey."

Sunny gave a nod – an affirmative, convincing nod of acceptance of truth, before adding some words of her own. "I am honestly glad you came into our lives, Aiden. You've shared so much with us in culinary and mechanical aspects, and been nothing but a source of love, support, and mutual connection."

"Do you want an ear scratch?" Izzy teased, and Sunny fought back a blush, losing within the first two seconds.

"Come here, you two sugar pies."

I coaxed Sunny into my lap and caressed her cheeks and gently scratched behind her soft plushy ears with one hand, whilst simultaneously giving Izzy the same treatment with the other. She rested her head on my shoulder and gave a soft, fluttery purr – a sound I had never heard any pony make. It did feel like being with Ryder's aunt's two over-endearing cats in the garden. However, our perfect wholesome loving moment was obliterated by a pleading shout coming from a line of trees in the southeast.

"Sunny! Aiden!"

My heart jumped as I immediately recognized the voice. We scrambled off the rock and soon spotted a familiar beige-yellow body sprinting out of the trees.

"H-Hitch?!" Izzy exclaimed in shock.

"Did you seriously run all the way here from Maretime Bay?" Sunny asked concerningly.

"Y...yeah, I did. Listen, Sprout's escaped!"



"I decided to detain him for a few days, then Queen Haven offered to extradite him to a maximum holding cell in the Zephyr Heights castle, but I just got a letter from the Pegasus Royal Mail that he wasn't in the prison chariot upon arrival!"

"Which way did he escape?"

Hitch shakily held out a hoof, a clear indicator we were moving too fast. "Pipp texted me that the guards found a few blurred hoofprints heading west and slightly north."

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