One Last Flight

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I woke up long after Sunny and Izzy did. After washing up, I took a brief look out the window and noticed a little flag atop one of the buildings, barely waving.

Perfect conditions to go fly.

"Good morning, Aiden," Haven said warmly as I entered the dining room in my PJ's. "Feeling alright?"

"Right as I'll ever be," I replied with a soft smile, though my mind was weighing down with the thought of what was to come. I tucked into a warm bowl of oatmeal and enjoyed what would be the final group meal with my pony friends. We all savored every mouthful in silence, pausing occasionally to offer a portion of the side appetizers in pure kindness to each other, and some small talk about dreams.

"The transportation team is already making their way down the mountainside," Haven announced, as the maids arrived to clean up the table. "I will be joining them soon after briefing my cabinet, along with Pipp. Right, my sweetie?"

"Hmmm," Pipp replied, quickly glancing at me and looking down sheepishly. "I'll think about it."

"I will join you," Sunny offered, standing up straight.

"I'll be with Aiden!" Izzy said excitedly, rushing to my side. "Though, after he lands."

"Everypony on the same wingbeat?" Haven asked strictly.

"Yes, Your Highness!"

"Let's get to it, then. Sunny, Izzy, I will see you at the main elevator in thirty minutes. Pipp, you have until then to make your decision. Aiden, please bring your belongings so I can add them to my chariot's cargo hold. Zephyrina, you'll go with Aiden for the flight and rejoin us right afterwards, alright?"

"Yes, Mom."

I knelt down and gave Sunny and Izzy a warm hug before returning back to the guest suite to change into my flight suit (basically thicker clothing) and pack up my stuff. The atmosphere felt empty and dull, even with the gentle morning breeze wafting in through the windows and a few birds chirping away outside in the distance. Pulling out a wad of sticky notes from a drawer and a pen, I wrote a quick note:

Dear Royal Guards of Zephyr Heights Castle,

Let it be known amongst you that as of the writing of this note, the human named Aiden will have vacated the premises, left the city, and likely the world of Equestria. Thank you all for your hard work taking care of Pipp and Zipp, and for tending to the needs of Sunny, Izzy, and myself during my stay in this suite.

And feel free to ask your friend if they need a hug. It can do wonders. Just ask Sprout Cloverleaf.

Best wishes in your royal work life,

Aiden W. Dixon

I stuck it to the top of the bedside table, threw the duffel strap over my shoulder, and walked out, holding my skateboard in one hand and my backpack in the other. It took some walking up and down the halls, but I soon made it to the throne room, where Queen Haven was waiting with her entourage.

"Glad you could make it. I was about to depart in a minute," she said with a little smirk.

"It was tough leaving that room," I confided. "But I'm here, with my luggage. Thank you so much for letting me stay in the castle with Sunny and Izzy, and also allowing me to spend time with your daughters."

"It is of the highest degree of my pleasure, dear Aiden," she replied with poise. "You are welcome anytime... if ever."

"Thanks again," I replied, feeling humbled as I clapped a hand to my chest and lowered my head in respect. Zipp trotted over to me, and we left the room without another word, just a happy wave.

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