A Day with Royalty - Part 2

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Leaving the castle wasn't so immediate. Pipp insisted on doing a full makeover and styling routine beforehand, and she wasn't about to do so just for herself.

"I haven't had one of these, ever," I admitted sheepishly, as a few royal stylists gently rubbed my face with foundation primer. "Best I ever got was a hair job at a A-rated salon in Miami."

"So that's why your mane looks like Izzy's," Zipp noted. "Only shorter."

"How would you like your glow-up?" a mare asked kindly, her accent reeking of Swedish. I bit my lip in fear – never before had this question been brought forth. I frantically tried to retrieve any memories I had of Ryder's girlfriend going to the salon. What did she have applied? What was asked for a great look? Liner? Shadow? Blush? After a slow exhale, complete tidbits fell into place.

"Start with a thin layer of foundation, with a touch of blush. Smoothen out them lashes with black mascara, and a thin streak of eyeliner in the color of Izzy's mane. No gloss on the lips, just some fruit-flavored balm. File 'em nails smooth with a good pre-wash. Thanks."

I leaned back and hummed a tune while the artists worked their magic. To pass the time, I attempted to plan out a routine for the second half of the day. Visiting the city's top locations would be a lot of fun and allow the cityfolk to get to know me, though wasn't Pipp's livestream enough?

No, I thought. A short formal introduction and a couple fun musical antics are not enough. In-person is unbeatable. I can couple it with a skateboard demonstration, too. Perhaps mid-route to the meeting point would be ideal...

"And done!" the stylist crowed, having set down her eyelash brush and hairbrush. I blinked awake and stared in the mirror, with the Aiden I never knew looking right back. It took a lot of self-control to not touch my face in awe and shock at how... beautified I now looked, even with just basics. I reached for my hair. Still a little frizzy from the paramotor flight, but overall smooth and the special slight springiness was there.

"Wow," Pipp commented, "You look about twenty percent prettier. Meanwhile my sister's makeover is little more than a quick comb-over."

I chuckled. "Can't go wrong with a bit of beautification to various degrees. As you might've read in text messages, YMMV."

Pipp nodded, and the other two slid off their chairs. Sunny had gone for an 80s-chic whale-spout ponytail with a glittery scrunchie, while Izzy had gone for a low-hanging gym girl ponytail, complete some smooth side bangs with a slight curl.

"Now we are ready for a glamorous day out on the town," I said, picking up my board and waving a thankful goodbye to the staff.

The moment we stepped out of the elevator at city street level, I could feel the gaze heat on us all. But that's kind of what you signed up for... right?

...sigh. Let the behavioral aura do the work, I told myself, trying to maintain an elegant stride as we walked down towards the main bridge. It took mere seconds before Pipp was eagerly approached by a couple of young fans, and one of them just stood still, gazing up in awe at me, presumably at my height.

"Hey, what's up?" I replied, smiling down at him. He just blinked in response, so I squatted down and held out my hand. "What's your name?"

"Soaring Sunset."

I leaned in and caught it. "Nice. I always love watching sunsets when I travel. So what's got you in awe?"

"Well, I've never seen anypony like you!" he remarked playfully.

"Did you not watch Pipp's recent livestream?" I asked.

The little colt shook his head. "I was in school at the time. What's that you're carrying?"

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