(Season 1) Prologue: Death In The Family

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Sorry for the long wait. Hope you're ready for this new adventure to begin♡.

☆Opening 1☆


[Third POV]

In the secret heaven of the skies, in another dimension, we can see a beautiful blonde woman looking through the a current universe.

In the secret heaven of the skies, in another dimension, we can see a beautiful blonde woman looking through the a current universe

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This woman is named; Luma, the Goddess of Dimensions, one of the daughters of Taiyōkei; the multiverse Mother Goddess. She was looking through the Union Dimension from her magic portal. Her job is to make sure that each dimension, each universe don't go down a very dark path before it's too late. As she was looking through the Union Dimension, she sense a disturbance from that world. It was slowly becoming corrupted with power with selfish fake heroes, huntress, and more.

Luma: {Sighs sadly} The Union Dimension...is slowly becoming apart. Is there any real hero to save them from corruption? What will Mother do..?

Suddenly an idea popped into her mind. She quickly snapped her fingers as her magic portal changes, looking into another normal dimension. She was going to find someone who is suitable to be an amazing hero.

Luma: {Scrolls through her magic portal} Hmmm, let's see. Who truly has the heart of a hero...? Ah-ha!

Soon enough, Luma has found someone to be hero. A boy with blue hair and eyes. He seems to be peacefully sleeping. Luma decided to watch him for a while to see if he does have a heart of a hero.

[On Earth 879]

On Earth, in the state of Japan, in a big house, we can see our protagonist is still peacefully sleeping in his bed...that is until his alarm clock decided to mess with him.

Alarm Clock:

???: {Quickly gets up} Oh shit! I'm up!!... Huh?

The blue hair boy looked at his alarm clock, grabbed it, and threw it out the window while yelling, "YEET!".

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