Chapter one

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Quick Author's note
Hey guys before the story starts I just wanted to let you guys know that this chapter talks about sex; Now all the characters are consenting adults (of course) and I won’t write flat out smut but sex is heavily impiled so just wanted to warn ya’ll a head of time.

March, 1, 2022

“Okay so how much do you know about dragons?” I asked Rufus as I went through my closet trying to look for an old book

“They breath fire” Rufus answered watching me from my bed

“Oh these dragons actually don’t” I told him and picked up an old green book with an dragon on the cover

“So they're just dinosaurs who fly?” Rufus questioned as I grabbed my laptop and got into the bed with him

“No well, they use to breath fire but lost their magic because of the evil king and his son prince Nickie plus an well known thief named Bolio work together to bring it back” I told him and laid down next to him as I opened the movie

“Anyways Hulu is making a movie about it and I wanted you to watch it with me” I told him as we laid next to each other with the laptop on my chest

“I thought you didn’t like watching your books turned into movies because they get everything wrong” Rufus reminded me as he placed his arm under my neck bringing me closer to him

“I don’t and they usually do but this had an amazing cast, the author is the writer, and I just like Hulu more than Netflix” I answered and started the movie and laid back down with Rufus

We watched the movie normally and I tried not to make too many excited noises because it was so amazing; It was like the set and costumes were pulled right out of my imagination.

“Where are we?” Prince Nickie cried out after Bolio forced him into a cave

“An old dragon cave, at least it use to be before your father forced them out; now it's my home” Bolio told him as he dramatically touched some old cave markings

“Bolio lives in a cave?” Rufus whispered confused

“He lives cave from cave; no one goes in there because the king lied saying it was hunted” I explained to him matching his quite tone

“I don’t remember that” Rufus told me in his regular voice

“They left that out” I said slightly annoyed but willing to overlook it because other then that they have been accurate

“Do you trust me prince despite everything that I am?” Bolio asked holding Nickie hand

“Yes” Nickie said looking down at the cave ground

“Please prince” Bolio said and lift his chin and kissed him on the lips and pushed him against the cave wall

Suddenly my excitement faded when I realized what was coming next.

The prince and the thief continued to undress and continue the sounds of rough sex

In my excitement I completely forgot that their was sex in the book.

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