Chapter five

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March, 2, 2022

“Okay heading out to lunch” I said as I took off my apron and headed to the door

“Bring back pizza” Malcolm called out as I walked out

I took a bus to the mall and quickly walked past the store Amiee worked att and walked so she wouldn’t see me and stopped outside of the only audit store in the mall.

The shop was called Our little secret and it was a black and hot pink building with pictures of sexy woman outside the store and there was also an older woman there holding a bible and a sign saying

“Orgasims are sinful”

I sit down on a nearby table and look at the shop trying to make my damn hands stop shaking

God this is so fucking stupid; why I’m I so damn nervous this was my idea?

“Okay get go inside you fucking baby” I told myself and walked in passing by the protrster who was galring at me as I walked into the store

I walked in with the scent of vanilla surrounding the room; I saw a collaged age light skinned brown woman swearing purple gothic dress, wearing a spiked collar and matching spiked bracelets, she had black lipstick and eyeshadows, and had a nose piercing and a lip piercing.

She looked up from the book she was reading and saw me

“Need help?” She asked him nonchalantly

“No” I answered plainly

“Okay well if you do come to me because no one else works here” She let me know as went back to her book

I walked down the aisle and saw all types of sex stuff

One section was full of vibraters and strap-on’s of different colors and sizes and with the next one it was a complete 180 and I saw tons of leather BDSM shit.

Whips, spanking paddles, gag balls, blindfold, and shit I’ve never heard of

I grabbed an wooden paddle that was painted pink and had “Thank you” lasered on it
“Hey totally not making assumptions about your sex life but if your newer to BDSM I would recommed a silicon paddle insead of wood, less painful” She told me over her desk

“I was just looking” I coughed embarrassed and placed it back on the shelf

I walked to the preparation section which was sweetly named “Getting ready station”

“Okay wow lots of options” I breathed out and saw rows of lubes with different flavors, numbing effects based on sensitivity, and different colors.

I picked up a pink one and spun it around

“Hey the color doesn’t mean anything just to look pretty” She told me

“Thanks” I thanked her and put it back

“And don’t worry about numbing, it only mild enough to prevent feeling pain you or your partner will still feel everything” She told me

“Great” I said and pretended I was reading the back to avoided eye contact

I put that back again and looked around and reliaxed I have no fucking idea what I’m looking for

“Need help?” She asked slightly smug

“Yes” I said defeated

She put a piece of paper in her book and walked to me

“Names Nevaeh” She told me

“Oh Heaven spelled backward?” I asked

“Yep mom was a bible nut and now I work at a sex shop, Sunday school was a great idea” She joked and patted my back

“So what are you looking for?” She asked me looking at the bottles of lubes

“Well I plan on having sex with my boyfriend tomarrow so something to make him feel…good” I explained trying to find the right words

“Okay well if this is his first time” I recommend these

She said and started grabbing bottles and condoms and handed them to me
“Non scented or colored lube and silicone condoms for easy access” She smiled that me

“We also have silicone underwear if you want to go down on them without any mess” She asked me

“No, No, won’t need that” I told her

“It also works if you wanna eat ass” She told me and I usually would never hit a woman but she was cutting it close

“Just the lube and condom” I told her trying to even my tone

“Great let’s go check out” She said and followed her

I placed everything down and she scanned it and placed it in a black bag and tied it up

“15.80” She told me

I handed her 20 dollars telling her to keep the change and walked out and made eye contact with the protester that seemed to haven’t moved since I walked in.

“Sex is meant for reproduction only” She told me pushing the bible in my face

“Don’t worry I’m fucking a dude so reproduction wasn’t an option anyways” I winked at her and walked passed her with her face red with anger

Teenage dream (Collage AU) -Next step-Where stories live. Discover now