Chapter six

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March, 2, 2022

My next class ended earlier than usual and typically I would go to the starbucks and hang out with Plutos but the idea of seeing Rufus made me sick. Not because I was mad at him or anything but I could still remember my dream so vividly.

The face he made when he saw my body burned so deep into my brain it made my heart ache even if it was just a dream and it didn’t actually happen; it felt real and that's all that matters at least that's how it felt.

I still had two more classes in an hour so going home didn’t make sense and since I was avoiding Rufus for something he didn't do I just went into the empty study room and placed my computer down and did some homework and other school work.

After about 30 minutes of playing around with my laptop I could feel how tired I was. The coffee Rufus gave me kept me up during my class but I could feel my body about to crash and keep my eyes open.

I closed my laptop and walked into the nearest bathroom, took off my glasses and splashed some cold water on my face trying to wake myself up, I grabbed a fistfull of paper towle to clean my face and suddenly got a ding on my phone.

I put my glasses back on and checked my phone to see it was Rufus

“Fuck” I thougth as my nervous hands opened my phone and read his message

Rufus:Hey babe just wanted you to know I’m prepared for tomorrow


Rufus: You know like I have everything we need to make everything go smoothly

I started typing but realizing what he meant and my face felt hot

Me: You went to sex shop?

I typed too quickly and sent with even less thought

Rufus: More like a sex store but bascially yeah

Rufus: I can’t wait for tomorrow

That last sentence made me shake. He was so excited to do this and I knew I was gonna ruin it. The second he saw a gut, stretch marks, dark spots, and my scar he was so disappointed.

Me: Me too!

That wasn’t a lie technically I was excited but also really scared and felt like hurling myself out the window.

I went back to collect my things and started walking to my next class no longer feeling physically tired but emotionally drained.

I sat down and took out my notebook and did my best to just focus on class and forget the aching in my stomach.

Teenage dream (Collage AU) -Next step-Where stories live. Discover now