The Dark side

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,, after I came come my mother abandoned me and the whole town knew I was a witch and that I like girls. After that nothing was like it used to be. Everyone hated me and treated me like shit. The kids laughed at me and sometimes even thrown stones at me. The adults whispered behind my back and the bullies... well they did even worse."

Sarah looks sad at me

,, but who told that everyone?"

I look down because I feel ashamed that I trusted her that long time ago.

,, it was my former best friend. Well we were more then just best friends... we were like a kind of coven I think ..."

Sarah hug me tight.

I watch over her shoulder and see Winnie and Mary look at me whit pity.
It's feels strange because off all people in Salem they know how I feel because to them it happened the same. Well except that I don't got hanged.

I take a deep breath.

,, well that is the reason I manipulated someone to lit the candle that you could help me to take revenge on Salem."

Sarah let me go from her hug and smirks at me.

She looks so sweet. I begin to blush again. But I try to brush it off.

,, Winnie, Mary, Sarah, please I beg you to help me. I would do everything. I just want my revenge."

Winnie comes a few steps towards me.

,, Well my dear, I'm happy that you brought us back and we would be happy to destroy Salem whit you by our side."

She smiles.

,, But who lit the black flames candle ? Are they still here ?"

I nod.

Now Mary goes beside Winnie and whisper ,, Winnie I smell children..."

,, they hid the moment you entered the cottage."

Mary walk slowly through the room and sniff the air.
She signaled Winnie that she found someone. ,, I smell a girl. Maybe 11 or 12"
She stops in front of a showcase and nod at Winnie.

Winnie and Sarah walking to Mary and Sarah begins to sing.

,, come little children I take thee away..."

Before she could finish Mary moved her hand before Sarah's mouth.

Im still to stunned to speak from Sarah's beautiful voice.

,, come out little girl we won't harm you"

Winnie smash her hand on top of the showcase and the little girl, I think her name was Dani startles up.

The three sister looks confused at the little girl who wears a witch costume.

,, Well hello sisters it was me wo brought you back. Don't listen to her. She lies because it was all me who had the Plan to bring you back. She tricked you sisters.
She wanted to sabotage my brilliant plan."

That little goblin I can't believe she really tries to turn them against me.

Sarah, Mary, Winnie, looks amused to me and shake there heads.

,, Oh really she lied ?" Winnie ask sarcastically.

,, oh no you caught me " I say and trie not to laugh. It looks like the little Goblin don't now sarcasm.

Winnie and Mary lead her to the chair.

,,So Tell me little girl wich year is today ?"
Winnie ask amused.

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