Is this the end ?

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A/N I'm back. Im sorry that it took so long but I had really bad stuff going on. But now I'm back and ready to continue the story and I try my best to do less mistakes than in the last chapters. I also override the last chapters a bit.

My whole body feels numb and I hear the sisters talking but I'm not sure about what...

,,what are we doing now ?"
,,will she wake up ?"
,, we need to bring book home "
,, we can't leave her alone..."

I open my eyes slowly. What happened ?
I can hardly remember what happen after I was dragged into the cemetery. Sarah she spoke to me ...

I try to get out of the bed. Man my body feels like I had a car crash.

I open the door and get blinded by the light of the fire pit.

,, you are finally awake ! I was so worried I loose you. How are you feeling ? Do you need something to drink or to eat ?" Sarah hugs me tight. I flinch because my body is still very sensitive.

Winnie and Mary smirking at me and I try not to blush.

,, so what happened when I was out ?"

Winnie looks angry.,,they took book and we don't know where they are"

Mary tries to comfort Winnie ,, don't worry Winnie we'll find book "

Winnie takes her broom ,, now that Robin is awake we will fly and when we find billy we'll find these children and book"

,, yes Winnie that is a beautiful plan" Mary said.

,, oh Robin you can fly with me on my broom" Sarah says happy.

I nod and we step outside.

Sarah comes behind me and I feel butterflies in my stomach. She steps closer and I can feel her breath against my neck. I hope she don't see me blush.

I sit down on her broom and we follow Winnie and Mary.

It's the most amazing feeling to fly on a broom. Salem looks so peaceful and nice from above here. I wonder how my life would be if I've never trusted Alison.

,,I see billy !" Mary shout out.

,,Brilliant let's fly down to him " Winnie command.

After we landed I realized billy is a fuckin ... Zombie !!! What the hell. Ok try to play it cool Robin !

,,what do you mean you lost them ? How incompetent can someone be to loose 3 children with a black cat !" Winnie says.

Mary sniff the air. She smirks proud.

,,Winnie I smell them. Follow me "

With that said we follow Mary until we stand i front of my school.

Perfect. Why did they need to hide in my last favorite place in Salem. I mean seriously why didn't they hide in a busy place. There are a few Halloween parties tonight where they would be a lot more saver an difficulty to catch. But no... they hide in a empty school. Wow clever. How stupid can they be! It will be so easy to catch them now !

Maybe to easy... Now I have a strange feeling. But what is there plan.

,,what is that ?" Sarah ask.

"Ist like a prison for children. Like hell on earth " I mention annoyed.

,,it's sounds lovely " Winnie mocks me.
I roll me eyes.

We go inside and I have a bad feeling about that. Something isn't right.

The cat jumps in front of me.

,,catch him !" Sarah yells.

We start to chase the cat trough the school.

Wait what was that sound. I stop for a moment and look around but I can't see anything suspicious. That's suspicious.
I have again that really bad feeling and start running to the Senderson sisters.

Oh no why are they running into the pottery room.
Wait in there is the pottery oven.
No they wouldn't. Right ?

I start panicking.
I hear the door close.

A few second later I finally reach the pottery room and see the sisters in the oven and Alison stand beside the on switch.

I freeze in place.
,, Alison please. If I ever meant something to you ... please don't do this." I try to resonate with her.

She smirks. „ Oh Robin.. stupid and naive Robin. Do you really think you ever meant something to me. It was all an act. I knew that you're a freak from the moment I saw you. I waited and played along so that you would open up to me and when you did I had everything I needed. But to be honest I hadn't expected that you would be a witch AND a freaking lesbian. It was just perfect. So I told everyone."

I start crying. I've never thought she could hurt me anymore but she did. Maybe because I hoped that she had no choice and was forced to.

,, But why Alison?...We kissed ?!"

Alison starts to laugh.
„ Robin I'm from a long Dynasty of white witches who fought for generation Witches like you ! We even helped the witch hunter back in Salem when your three sisters where alive. Oh an the kiss we shared... I just wanted to inflict as much pain to you as possible"

I never realized that Alison had such a dark and twisted personality.

And than I finally remembered in wich situation we're in.

Alison smirks at me and with the she just push the switch.

,NOOOO " I try to run to the switch but I'm trapped in a runes circle. I was in so much fear and shock that I overlooked it.

It's to late the sister scream in pain and agony. I fell on my knees and start even more crying. All my hope for a better life and the love of my life are burning to ashes.

,, No please stop that. Alison please. You can't kill them ! I love her !"

Alison looks at me in shock after I said the last one.

Deni runs into the room.

,,Alison let's go before Robin free herself" the goblin whimper.

She runs with the others laughing away.

I cry out. It can't be the end. Not like that. They still scream from pain and I can't help them. I feel so helpless. I feel how my heart breaks again. They are still screaming.
Please make them stop scream in agony.
It's finally quiet again.
The rune circle finally break.

I'm still in shock and can't move. It's so quiet. Like nothing happened.

I feel how my body is overwhelmed with anger and sadness.

She wanted me to watch. She wanted me to watch my hope, my revenge, my love burn. She wanted me to feel the pain...

,,I hate you Alison ! DO YOU HEAR ME ? I HATE YOU ALISON!!!" I scream from the top of my lounges.

I take a deep breath

I stare at the ground and brush my hands trough my hair. I'll let them burn. I'll let whole Salem burn if I need to. I'll burn everyone who tries to stop me. Even if it's the last thing I do.

All my sadness vanished. All I can feel now  is pure unhinged RAGE.

I stand up. Take another deep breath and go outside.

I need to prepare myself. Because even if it's bothering me to admit I can't face Alison and the other without a good plan.

I start walking to the old cottage.

I walk trough the street and hear some awful familiar voices.

Can my night get even more worse.
Well maybe it's the beginning of letting everyone in Salem burn.

,, I thought little boys should be in bed by now ?"

Jay and ,,Ice,, turn around. They smiling at me.

,, look Jay your girlfriend is here" Ice says with a stupid smirk on his face.

,,hey little witch why don't we have some fun ?"

They make me sick. It will be such a pleasure to let them suffer.

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