Omegas' Aren't That Weak

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(A/N: This story is going to solely focus on Hatsume Mei and Midoriya Izuku's success, so instead of the L.O.V. & the M.L.A. intervening like in the cannon, in this au class 1-A's year goes as it was SUPPOSED to. So no L.O.V., M.L.A., Stain, etc. [yet]...)

Izuku was quirkless. He also would come to learn he was an omega too. This made his dream truly impossible. Omega weren't allowed to be heroes. They were too weak, to fragile, to important.

Izuku's quirklessness and omega status made him a perfect mate. The fertility of an omega, mixed with his offspring having a guarantee of his partner's quirk. He was the perfect mate material. However, Izuku didn't want a mate.

He wanted to prosper. He wanted to be productive. Not rot away in some knot head's arms. He spent most of his life analyzing quirks. Learning their weak and strong points. He truly had a natural gift.

He was already fourteen. He didn't bother looking for mate. However, the government forces omegas to have a mate at 18. His mother was worried her son would end up with a mate who he'd hate.

But anytime she brought up the subject, Izuku would brush it off. He didn't care for a mate. His heats were hard, but in his nest he managed. Izuku was walking along the side of a trash dump, that was once a beach.

He had been using the junk there for strength training. He knew if he got assigned a mate he'd have to fight off the mate to avoid being a sex toy. So he trained. However, this particular day, someone else was at the beach.

The girl introduced herself as Hatsume Mei. She was going for UA's support course. Izuku decided to look into it. Apparently, it wasn't illegal for him to go to UA, as long as he didn't go to the hero course.

He and Hatsume Mei became great friends. Mei's overly positive personality and motivation paired with his natural intellect was a force to be reckoned with. People at UA's entrance exam looked at Izuku weird- Izuku heard them mutter as He and Mei walked in the gate together.

"An omega?"

"What's he doing here?"

"Is that girl his mate?"

"He must be here to cheer her on!"

"What a supportive omega!"

Izuku growled, he bared his small fangs. Mei was used to people assuming they were mates. Afterall, she was a beta. He was an omega. But that gave Hatsume an idea. After the written exam, everyone who wasn't going for the hero course left.

This included Izuku and Mei. People started muttering about how they saw Izuku doing the written test and some put two and two together and figured he was applying for UA. Some people scoffed. Others thought 'The beta probably just wants her mate close with all these villains around' and other nonsense like that.

The support course sends their entrance exam projects ahead of time. To get them tested so they get their results A.S.A.P. While outside, Mei pulled Izuku aside.

"Hey Izu-kun?" She asked. The two sat down on a bench in the courtyard of UA.

"What is it, Mei?" Izuku asked. He had a feeling he knew what she was gonna say, he just didn't want to hear it.

"Ya know, how the government will force you to mate at 18?" Mei asked, a scheming smirk on her face.

"...Yes...?" Izuku knew Mei was planning something. And when Mei Hatsume had something planned and that usually was either really good... or REALLY BAD...

"Well, people always assume we're mates," Izuku really hoped Hatsume wasn't planning on mating with him, they were friends. "What if we register as 'legal mates' that way the government can't force you to mate with anyone. I mean we were already planning on moving in together after UA, to start creating 'Hatsume & Midoriya Industries'?!"

"So like, the government will think we are mated? But we aren't really?"

"Ya! That way neither of us have to get a mate that could stop us from our dream!" Hatsume stood up with pride.Hatume was planning on being single forever.

Her beta status helped with this, no heats and no ruts, means no need for a sexual partner. Her only commitment was her work and her only 'babies' would be the gear she creates.

Izuku smiled. "Hatsume Mei," He said, as he stood alongside her. "You're a mad genius!"

3 Years Later...

Izuku and Mei stood at the support course graduation ceremony. The two were top of their class. They were so happy.

"Mei! We did it! We actually did it!" Izuku cheered. He was proud of both his friend and himself. He was the first quirkless person and first omega to graduate from UA High School. Even if he wasn't a hero. That was a big win for himself and all other omegas.

It didn't take long for the media to catch wind of a quirkless omega graduating from UA High. The entire country was in an uproar. Some were saying UA was crazy to allow an omega in their school- even if he wasn't in the hero course.

Others thought it wasn't even legal, but every lawsuit favored UA, afterall the omega didn't participate in any of the HERO activities. So everything was legal.

However, many online theorists and posters started bringing up the question-

"Are omegas' really that weak?"

Izuku and Mei ignored the media attention, that Izuku's degree attracted. They had work to do. Together the registered as mates, so that the government couldn't force one on Izuku.

They bought a permit to legally sell support gear and equipment to pro heroes and hero schools. They created the gear themselves. Starting out in their lone apartment in district 5, a middle district.

District 5 was the perfect place for them to settle down and start work. District 5 had enough criminal and villain activity that heroes would be around to buy their gear. But the district was also generally a family-friendly area.

There weren't many people who'd corner Izuku or Mei without a hero being able to intervene. Izuku being an omega was prone to sexual assault. Mei, while yes, she IS a beta. She is still female, and unfortunately, that's real life for you.

Originally, the two would sell their gear to support companies. Or to heroes whom they'd gone to school with, like Chargebolt or Uraravity. Heck even SunEater and Lemillion were willing to use and promote their gear.

Overtime, Izuku and Mei gained enough money to buy an old factory. There the two created their own machinery and got it checked and legalized. Over the next few years, the two managed to create an entire company.

They called it: "Hatsume & Midoriya Industries"

While all this went on. Izuku was unknowingly making a stir online and on the news. Afterall, an omega owning a company? With a beta? He was unknowingly a true inspiration. Omega all across Japan were protesting using him as a great example.

The protest included messages like:

"Omega's can lead!"

"We will be heard!"

"We can succeed!"


Izuku never really bothered to make a statement about it, he was too busy building his business with Mei. No matter how many times the reporters stopped him on the way to work. Or how many protests he came across. He was certain of one thing...

'Omegas' aren't that weak...'

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