New Quirk(-ed Partner)

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(A/N: Implied Smut in this chapter... Slight ShinDeku)

Izuku was trying to figure out exactly how ofa worked. Shouto explained the quirk was a stockpiling ability and that, since Izuku was quirkless, it would give him super strength like it did for All Might.

As Izuku was caught up muttering about some finances, at his work desk, he became super excited when he saw that partnering with UA gave them a boost in sales, they were now in the top ten support companies. He suddenly felt as if there was nothing below him.

Izuku looked down to see he was floating-

"WHAT THE HECK!?" Izuku fell onto his desk, with a thud. "What was that." Hatsume ran in-

"Izu-kun are you ok?!" The pink haired CEO said, worry in both her voice and bubblegum scent. "I heard a loud thud, like you tripped and fell!?" Hatsume helped Izuku stand up.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I-" Izuku couldn't tell her about ofa. "I just tripped while reviewing some paperwork. I guess I just wasn't paying attention."

"Here, let me help you up," Mei reached out. Izuku took her hand, as she helped him up. Izuku rubbed his back-

"Oh All Might, that hurt."

"You sure you're ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine Mei."

"If you say so," Hatsume left, with a smile. However, her scent betrayed her face, her bubblegum scent had a dry texture added in, telling Izuku she didn't quite believe him. Izuku sighed-

"What was that...?"

The Next Day...

Izuku had wanted to set up a meeting with Shouto, but his heat hit early. It wasn't supposed to hit until the end of the month, it was only the 15th. Izuku laid in his bed at his and Hatsume's house.

One of the best things about suburban districts like district 5, was that the homes were mostly single family houses. Unlike the bigger cities, where most people lived in apartments. AT least Izuku wouldn't be bothering anyone with his distressed scent.

Izuku's heats were painful without a mate. He wished he could just take some suppressants. However, those were illegal for omegas, as they could damage an omegas fertility. Why did that matter? Izuku would never know, he never wanted pups. With his business, he wouldn't even have time for them!

Izuku barely noticed his phone ringing. He had texted Mei that his heat hit early, so she shouldn't bother him, so who would be calling him? Izuku assumed it was a spam caller, but saw the ID said 'Shouto'.

Izuku groaned in pain. His mind was clouded by his heat, and talking to an alpha felt really good right about now. However, Izuku tried to hold his voice and thoughts steady. Shouto was most likely calling about ofa, not about Izuku's stupid omega heat.

"H-Hello?" Izuku muttered, holding his stomach in pain. He had the phone held to his ear with his other arm. "I-Izuku Mid-doriya speaking..."

"Hey, I was calling about ofa, but first... Are you ok you sound like your in pain?"

"Yeah, I'm j-just a little s-sick th-that's all..."

"Oh, I hope you get better soon. But anyway, back to why I called. I'm sorry that you're sick, but this is serious. Ms. Hatsume said you had fallen, but she made a joke about, since the noise was so loud, that one would think you fell from the ceiling? Are you using one for all!?"

"I-I don't k-know, Shouto-k-kun," Izuku grunted softly. "I was just g-going over some of th-the income and st-status r-records. Then, I started fl-floating out of nowhere. I-I think o-one f-for all manif-fested d-differently in m-me, then wh-what we originally th-thought it would..."

"I see. I'll ask All Might for advice on how this could happen. Rest up, after your feeling better, come to my agency as fast as you can!"


"Bye Mid-"

"W-wait! Sh-Shouto-kun!"

"What is it, Midoriya?"

"T-tell Sh-Shinsou I-I need h-his h-help..." Izuku couldn't believe he was about to ask this.

"With what?"

"Just t-tell him 'Midoriya needs an i-ice pack' and that I'm at my and Mei's home."

"Ok? Weird Request, but I'll tell him... Bye..."

"B-bye..." Izuku hung up and cried out in pain.

With Shouto...

'That's a weird thing to request? An ice pack?' Shouto thought to himself, as he hung up the phone. Shouto called his former classmate and hero partner- Shinsou. The purple haired insomniac picked up the phone-

"Hey Todoroki? You need something?"

"Actually, It's Midoriya who needs something."

"Is he ok?"

"I think so, he said he's sick at his and Mei's house, and that he needs an ice pack for some reason?"

"I need to go!" Hitoshi hung up and Shouto assumed he was going to Midoriya's house. Shouto shrugged-

'Midoriya must REALLY need that ice pack...?'

With Shinsou...

Shinsou arrived at Izuku's house. He got the spare key that was hidden under their 'welcome' mat. The purple haired pro hero opened the door, closing it and locking it behind him. He was immediately hit with the smell of an omega in heat, but also he smelled Izuku's pain.

Hitoshi followed the scent to Izuku's room. Hitoshi was barely controlling his instincts, but knew better than to force himself onto an omega, more so his high school friend. Izuku's normally sweet pine and forest scent had turned to a raging forest fire, laced in the pain the greenette was feeling.

"Zuku? It's me, Hitoshi," Hitoshi called out, as he knocked on the door to Izuku's bedroom. "Can I come in?" Hitoshi knew Izuku prefered to be alone during his heat, but he did have one time his heat became to much for him to bare.


"If you ever need help with your heat, and don't want just any random alpha to help you. Just text me 'I need an ice pack', ok Zuku?"

"Ok, Hitoshi..." Hitoshi received that very text about two months later. The teenage alpha ran to Midoriya's dorm. He could see and smell the pain the greenette was in. He helped Izuku with his heat that time, with his friend's consent of course. They didn't go too far, Izuku not wanting to get pregnant and that. But it did ease the pain of his heat.

Flashback Over...

"C-Come in..." Hitoshi heard the meak voice. Hitoshi opened the door, and the forest fire of pain hit him like a truck. Hitoshi flinched a bit. It seemed Izuku's scent seemed to have gotten stronger over the years. Shinsou heard the green haired omega wined- "H-Hitoshi..."

"Hey! Hey! I'm here, Zuku!" Shinsou quickly ran over to Izuku, trying to keep his mind from becoming hazy.

"Hitoshi... It... It... h-hurts..."

"I know, Zuku, I know," Ruts weren't as painful as heats, but ruts could still hurt. However, Hitoshi mostly could tell from Izuku's pained scent that it hurt the omega CEO. "Can I help you?"

"Y-yes, pl-please..." Hitoshi wasn't sure if Izuku was thinking straight right now. But they agreed on a test to see.

"Zuku? Do you want pups?" Hitoshi knew the answer was no. Izuku had already said, that if he ever said he wanted pups in his heat, then do not fuck him. No matter how much pain he was in.

"N-no..." Hitoshi let out a relieved sigh. Zuku still had enough sense to consent, while also keeping his boundaries. "J-just please... I-it h-hurts!"

"Ok, I'll help..."

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