Not All Heroes Wear Capes

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The Next Day...

Izuku sighed. He was trying to use work to get his mind off his interaction with Hitoshi and Kacchan yesterday...

"Normally work takes my mind off things," Izuku grit his teeth. "Why did I run away from Bakugou. I hate that I'm an omega. Maybe a walk around the block will help."

Izuku stood up. He walked over to Mei's office. He knocked on the door.

"COME IN!" Mei said, her tone was manic as always. Izuku opened the door.

"Hey, Mei."

"Oh hey, Izu-kun!"

"I just wanted to tell you Ima take a walk around the block, I should be back with-in the hour."

"Ok! See ya!"

"See ya."

10 Minutes Later...

Taking a walk didn't help with his annoyance. Being alone only caused him to overthink this like he does all too often. Izuku sighed.

"Hey! You're Mr. Midoriya!?" Izuku turned around to see two kids in UA uniforms. One was a young girl with smooth purple hair and cyan eyes. And the other was a young blonde boy with green eyes.

"Yes I am? Can I help you?" Izuku smiled at the students.

"We just wanted to ask for an autograph and say thank you," The boy said. The two each held out a photo from the grand opening of 'Hatsume & Midoriya Industries'.

"Oh ok?" Izuku smiled, but he was confused. Izuku pulled out a pen from his pocket. He started signing the photos. "If may, why did you want to thank me?"

"You inspired us!"

"Oh I did?"

"Yes! Thanks to you, we realized we aren't just weak omegas! But we have real potential! Our mates are also very supportive of our dreams thank to your success!"

"Oh! Well, I'm glad to have helped you too!" Izuku realized, that he truly was helping people and making change. Izuku thought if he wasn't a hero, he couldn't help people.

However, these kids are proof that he IS helping. His success alone, was proof omegas aren't weak. He was making changes. Izuku smiled and waved as the two students walked off.

Izuku turned to continue his walk. Feeling much better. He walked around. He got a lot of looks. Most were one of two things.

One, a look of anger or judgement. 'An omega who owns a business?' or 'He should have just had pups, he belongs at home'

And two, looks of amazement or inspiration. 'He is so successful!' or 'He's proof we aren't weak!'

Izuku didn't pay any of the usual attention he did. He was busy thinking. Not about his previous problem, but instead about what those two kids said-

'Thank you!'

'Our mates support us!'

'You inspired us!'

Izuku had a small smile on his face. He stood still for a moment. He let out a small chuckle.

"I guess not all heroes wear capes," He muttered under his breath.

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