Old Friends & New Jobs

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Izuku was at his desk. He had been looking over 'Hatsume & Midoriya Industries' income rates. Izuku realized that they were doing better than ever. He was curious as to WHY though? 

Middle rank businesses, like His and Mei's company, don't just gain profits from nowhere. Especially, with the whole controversy of his quirkless omega status.

'Maybe with the new number 1, Lemmillion, using our gear, We've gained support?' Izuku thought as he went over the income charts. 'No that wouldn't boost our sales like this! This is way too high for any normal sale increase.'

Just then Mei burst into his office. Izuku nearly jumped out of his skin.

"ALL MIGHT DAMN IT, MEI!" Izuku yelled at his business partner and roommate. "Are you TRYING to give me a heart attack!?"

"Oh Sorry, Izu-kun!" Mei apologized to her friend. "But we just received an offer! A BIG ONE!!!"

"What is it?" Izuku assumed this might be related to their sudden boost in sales.

"Principal Ingenium has asked us to be UA's NEW SUPPORT COMPANY!!!"

"WHAT!?" Izuku was stunned. "Doesn't UA already have a support company?"

"Well it DID..." Hatsume Mei wore her manic smile. "But the company shut down, after the death of it's C.E.O.! So, Tenya Iida has asked us to be the new official support company of UA HIGH SCHOOL!!!"

'That explains the sudden boost in sales,' I thought to himself. 'With a big support company like that going down, the other companies would have a significant boost in sales!'

"Uhh. Izu-kun?" Mei snapped Izuku out of his muttering spree. "You're muttering again?"

"Oh- ACK! Sorry Mei!" Izuku was embarrassed he still went on those muttering spree, even as an adult.

"It's fine," Mei smiled. "Tenya Iida wanted to meet us next week to talk about making this official!"

"Sounds great!" Izuku knew that if 'Hatsume & Midoriya Industries' became UA's support company it would gain them a great deal of influence as well as constant income from creating the hero course's gear and support items.

The Next Week...

Izuku, Mei, and one of their company's board members entered UA, they were each given guest passes so the UA security system wouldn't go on lock down. As they walked through the halls, they got lost.

"Didn't you two go here years ago?" Asked the beta board member.

"Ya, but we spend most of our time here in UA's support course workshop, Ms. Kira!" Mei smiled.

"Do you three need some help?" Asked a tired voice. The group turned to see the underground hero, Mind-Master, behind them. A.k.a. Izuku's and Mei's old high school friend, Hitoshi Shinsou.

"HITOSHI!!!" Mei jumped to hug him. Some of the students passing by expected Hitoshi to dodge or punch the beta, but instead the tired alpha just let her hug him. Izuku was surprised he hadn't noticed the grape soda scent sooner.

"Good to see you Hitoshi," Izuku smiled, as he waved at his old friend. Hitoshi was a strong alpha. Izuku may have had a small crush on him a while back, but Izuku had been too busy with his business to even bother with romantic feelings. Mei let go of the purple haired man.

Izuku's inner omega cried, wanting to summit to Hitoshi, but Izuku managed control his instincts. He just waved. Hitoshi muttered a small hello, and gestured for the three to follow him.

The three followed Hitoshi to a meeting room. Hitoshi opened the door, standing by it. He pointed inside-

"Iida's in there, He sent me to find you when you were over a minute late. Anyway, I have a class to teach." With that Hitoshi left. Izuku, Mei, and Ms. Kira walked in. Izuku bowed when he saw Iida.

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