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Cheyanne sat upright in a comfy velvet chair in her dark bedroom. Her left leg lay comfortably over the right, swinging impatiently as she stared at the door awaiting a certain someone.

She huffed leaning back and crossing her arms, her hazel eyes rolling in impatience as she she began delicately tapping her fingers along her thigh. Thoughts of how she was going to execute this argument and actually win this time filled her mind. Though the more she practice the more pissed off she became.

"That Jack Frost wanna be asshole!" She whispered shouted to herself.

She climbed to her feet starting to pace, stopping at the mirror to smooth down her red lacy lingerie that hugged and shaped her melanin curves. Her brown skin so soft and practically glowing in the mirror as she took extra care of her skin for what was supposed to be a romantic night. She even had Angelica and Qury glue her wig down tight as fuck. Slicked the front back in two thick braids while the deep curls hung around her shoulders and down her back. They slayed her hair so good, Gojo couldn't touch it. Infinity or no infinity.

She sighed, the anger dispersing as the sadness started taking over. She frowned at her reflection and abruptly turned away to throw herself onto the bed. She smushed her face into the pillow refusing to cry as she was once again left waiting, forgotten, hated, despised-

"The love of your life is here!"

She jumped up hearing his voice loud and clear voice coming from downstairs. Her stomach flooded with excitement before she remembered she was angry with him. She readjusted herself and fluffed her hair a little. If he was gone do one thing tonight, he was gone see how fine she was before he slept on that good ole couch downstairs.

She cleared her throat and crossed her arms under her breast making them look even bigger. She leaned her body to one side, her hip popping out as she practiced her speech once more in her head.

The door opened and at the last minute she dropped her position and grabbed the lamp off the dresser and threw it across the room at him. It broke into several pieces stopping just inches away from him as though it hit an invisible wall.

"Turn the infinity off now! This bout to be a fair fight!" She yelled at him grabbing the chair she was previously sitting in and throwing that at him too.

He did indeed turn his infinity off as he side stepped easily from her attempt.

"Babe, you've been working out," he said cheerfully as though they were having any ole regular conversation. "And your aim is getting better! Remember that time you tried to run me over with your car-"

A book went flying pass his head and he smirked at her weak attempts, finding them cute. She could never beat him but he loved that she was a spitfire that would try.

"I shoulda reversed and tried again!" She yelled heaving as she tried to calm her breathing. He snickered at this shoving his hands in his pocket. "Am I a fucking joke to you?"

He quickly put his hands up as though he was surrendering.

"No no I just can't help but find you adorable when you're like this. Like a tiny little bunny trying to lift a building."

She paused as she stared at him in disbelief. He always joked like this to her and usually she'd let it roll off her shoulder but she was absolutely over his shit.

"Get out."

He stared at her in confusion as he cocked an eyebrow and leaned against the door frame.

"I just got here-"

"And I said get the fuck out of my house, it's over and I'm done."

He sighed as though he were trying to be patient with her.

"You skinny over powered Santa clause," she started. "You Geralt of Jujutsu Kaisen without a sword-"

"Don't forget your favorite babe, Jack Frost," he chuckled use to her name calling.

"You overgrown Killua! You- you- you!"

"Ok good your outta insults," he said sighing as he approached her and gently laid his hands on her shoulders which she shook off. "Babe you shouldn't be angry with me you should be proud! I was out saving the world!"

"You was out fucking the world!" She countered, "lemme smell your dick, pull it out."

He laughed wholeheartedly at this not even surprised that she had escalated the situation to this point.


"-enne," she added glaring at him. "You call me Cheyenne. Only my men who never lie and cheat and fuck me into submission may call me Chey."

He rolled his eyes at this and she crossed her arms smirking.

"Maybe I'll call my Sensei," she purred strutting over to the bed as he watched her hips and ass hungrily. She slowly sat on the end of the bed and once again crossed her legs.

"I am your sensei," he said back cockily.

"You wish you could be Kakashi Sensei."

His body went stiff and the smirk was immediately wiped from his lips. He stood before and lifted his blindfold. Both his breathtaking blue eyes glared into her hazel ones. The anger rolling off of him on waves and sending chills down her spine.

"Take that. The fuck back. Now."

His tone sent her heart racing and her body nearly responded her lips opening to speak the words. She immediately shut them biting her lip and relaxing her shoulders before she regained her smirk once more and glared back onto his mesmerizing eyes.

"Make me."

That Time I called Gojo WeakWhere stories live. Discover now