I forgot the Conversation thing was an option

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Alright, so...I know it's been a while, but lately things have been all over the place. I won't be explaining specifically what happened because I don't want to start up a whole scene about it, but things have definitely happened that have affected me and a few people I know negatively. Since then, I have been doing my best to chill and reflect on what has happened, trying to move on and improve (of course, not ignoring what happened) so I'm not bogged down by anxiety and the inability to do daily chores over it. 

As for my progress on stories here, or how I do in general, things have been very slow. I have been using other sites a lot more than I would Wattpad, and I still have old, unfinished 2019 stories on here I haven't bothered with yet.

KyRoad is still basically on hiatus, and might never pick up again, as mentioned in the end of CybeRun. Some work is being done on it, but with IRL work meshed in and people having less of an interest in Splatroad, it just doesn't really have the motivation to keep going.

Permafrost, being my own OC story, is a "done at your own pace" sort of thing, though I doubt it'll be budging significantly for a while. 

In the meantime, I've been messing with "short stories" or snippets of stories that take me around a month or a few weeks to do. It's a way I exercise my writing abilities, even if they aren't the best, and most of the time the stories don't have an intention of becoming super popular (but if you like them, then thanks! It means a lot!).

I hope everyone is doing well and having a nice day/night.

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