You love your brothers bestfriend

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Justin is your older brother by 2 years. You were chilling on the couch watching 21 jump street in your fuzzy blue pj pants and black tank top. You hear laughing coming from the front door. You shot up quickly because you recognized the other laugh. The door opened and in came your brother Justin and his hot sexy friend Austin Mahone.

"YN. Go change for Gods sake! Too much cleavage showing!" you looked down and covered your chest with your arms. "Awe come on Justin. Here." Austin takes off his sweater and places it over your shoulders. "Better" he smiles and you just stare deeply into his hazel eyes. "Ahem" You get interupted by your brother clearing his throat. Austin moved away and sat down on the recliner chair.

Throughout the day you watched your brother and Austin play xBox. You got slightly bored so you decided to go make lunch. You rushed into the kitchen and started to make grulled cheese sandwhiches. Suddenly you felt arms snake around your waist and a body pressing close to your body. Yoy turned your neck and your lips met a pair of soft ones. Your eyes closed and you melted into him. Soon he pulled away and your eyes met with the lovely hazel one.

"Ive been waiting to do that for a while now" Austin whispers. You feel his minty breathe against your skin. You smile. "Ive been waiting for you to do that" Austin grins and holds you closely. "Now all we gotta do is tell your brother so he doesnt rip our heads off." "he will most likely rip yours off" you enphisized on the word 'yours'. He chuckled and kissed your head. "Well now that you basically did a huge display in my kitchen, I think I know what this makes you two." you and Austin turned around to see Justin leaning on the side of the door frame. You blushed and burried your face into Austins chest. "You break her heart, Ill rip your lungs and head off." Justin warned. "Yes sir" Austin saluted and that made you laugh. Justin sighed and went back into the living room. "By the way, the grilled cheese is burning!" Justin shouted. "Shit!" You ripped out of Austins arms to pull out the sandwhich from the griller. "Haha! I love making you unfocused" Austin kissed your neck. "Shut up!" you frowed but laughed at his sillyness.

~Austin Mahone/Justin Bieber Imagines~Where stories live. Discover now