27: Feelings

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***Niña's POV***(A/N: for the first time!!)

"I'm here to say, I'm breaking up with you," Kyle says, glaring at me.

My heart breaks into a million pieces. Believe me, this isn't easy to take once you hear the love of your life say that to you.

Yep. You read it right. I love Kyle Gaston.

Ever since 1st grade. I loved him because he was so handsome and smart and funny. God, I couldn't stop thinking about him. I always followed him around and stalked his Facebook account. I have a bunch of pictures of him and his contact name in my phone is 'Kyle my sweet, lovely boyfriend'.

I know. You didn't expect this at all right? But know, it's happening.

I hate Natalia. I knew that Kyle loves Natalia because he's always there for her. The way he looks at her and the way he smiles when he sees her proves it. I felt so sad and angry to know that.

That's when I took the chance to be noticed by Kyle. I heard from my sister, Arianne that Kyle was serenading Natalia at 12:32 p.m. I knew the many times how Natalia always rejects Kyle so I knew that Natalia rejected Kyle that time.

So I told Kyle about taking revenge on Natalia for rejecting her. I thought he wouldn't do it because he loves Natalia, but gladly he did accept it.

Part of my plan was to get closer to him and to make him fall in love with me. But, Kyle's is just so stubborn! We always fight of certain things and he doesn't care for me.

Now, I realize that I can never underestimate Kyle Gaston's stubborness. No matter what.

"Niña? Niña are you even listening?" Kyle says, breaking me out of my train of thoughts .

"Y-Yeah. I'm fine. It's just...." I started, looking down.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"I-I'm....in love with you," I confessed, looking straight to his gray-ish eyes. The eyes that I love...

His eyebrows furrow. I think he's confused. I get it. He doesn't love me back.

"Wait, you're in love with me? Why Niña? I thought you hated me," Kyle explained, a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"I can't explain. It's just that, I made this deal just to get closer to you and maybe, make you fall in love with me. I lied to you okay! But it's just that you're so stubborn and that we keep on fighting. You don't goddamn care for me, Kyle! You just never noticed that I'm in love with you! Your mind is too focused on Natalia. Your oh so sweet Natalia and it makes me angry! It makes me hurt seeing you so in love with a girl like her. So I made the deal to make you fall in love with me. But did it work? No. Not even a single bit of love rested in your eyes. I'm sorry, Kyle. I'm sorry for breaking your relationship with Natalia. I'm so, so, sorry..." I exclaimed, going down to my knees.

I feel a hand rest on top of my head and I look up to see Kyle, looking at me sadly.

"I feel bad for you, Niña. But I'm sorry. I don't love you back. I love Natalia. Not you. I made the biggest mistake in my life, and so I must fix it," Kyle explains, walking away after.

I went back to sobbing. I hated my life. Why did I have to be the bad one in stories?

I guess I can never have my own happy ending. People who are good only get their happy ending.

Goodbye, Kyle.

Once Upon A Mistake ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora