entry 3

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A most unfortunate series of events have occurred and have forced me to go to Dobrynimskaya to find a cure for a mysterious disease. The patrol was nothing more than a walk out to the 390-meter line, smoke a cigarette and walked backwards, our backs to the station.

The worse was the simple fact that the station has been hit hard with a disease and worse Sophia has it. I should have known from the coughing, but I thought it to be nothing more than a cold. This station has a 'wet' problem, but I know it is much worse. The administration that runs the station has agreed to find the mold and destroy it, along with repairing any pipes that recently busted. She has something much worse, and if the medication is not found she could die.

My gear is all together, and the route is planned out. I am heading up to an outpost on the surface. It is nothing more than an old bunker from the days of World War 2. The only difference is that the bunker is air-conditioned and has a stockpile of filters and ammo. The dreadful thing about it is that it is run by an old friend that has it out for me. Just one bad deal and she was chasing me out of the building and into the sewer. From there I will cut west and make it to the station. 

A simple 'walk in the park' as was once spoken of long ago. Now with the mutants, demons and god knows what else is out there, is not so easy.

Sophia looks peaceful when she is sleeping. The medication she is taking will only slow the disease. I have been inoculated so the disease should not bother me, but we have extraordinarily little left. I was lucky enough to get a shot, but I would rather that Sophia gets it. She is sweating up a storm and muttering. Honored Sophia, aid your devoted daughter in her time of need, tend to her while I go forth to get the cure.

The gates are opening; it is time to move out. 

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