Entry 6

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Yep, its Kasumi all right, mad as hell that she did not get a clean shot on the so-called 'Homo Novus.' Her assistant found me at the entrance of the old General Store building. Even though she wore a snow jacket the same type of clothing that I had on, the stalker was a woman. Deadly with the AK-74U with a scope, she looked like she knew how to use the weapon. I lowered my Tihar and held my hands up, regretting for not calling out for Kasumi.

For that moment I thought I was dead, regretting the simple fact that I would not see Sophia. But thankfully she came down the stairs, looking me over. Her uniform has not changed; somehow a combination of a ghillie suit and assorted armored plates gives her protection and stealth. She told her stalker friend to lower her gun, saying she knew me.

I am here at a tough time because the bunker's been hit recently, and she is lost two of her stalkers. Chun-li, that is the other stalker who nearly blew me back into the metro, just keeps staring at me, wondering if she can trust me or not. I do not know what's her deal, nor do I really care.

Kasumi says that these Homo Novus appeared recently she has no idea where they are from. They could be something that the radiation created, a mutation of another sort. She looks tired, but that is from the fact that she has recently gotten back from a trip into the red line. The one thing that never changes is that she has a touch of her that never really recovered from the disaster.

She has these moments in which she will talk about how humanity lost its sanity after the missiles and how 'we the children of the atomic age' destroyed ourselves by not learning from the mistakes of our ancestors. I am guessing that she is seen more than these Homo Novus.

She gave me a drink and asked me why I am here, now of all times. I told her that a disease was rampaging through our station, and I was sent to Polis to find a cure. When I told her that Sophia was sick, her eyes widened, and she offered help.

She told me that the way to Polis is cut off, a tunnel collapsed and the only way through is through the old theatre station. She is offered to help me find the station, leaving Chun-li here to keep an eye on things. I told her rest was more important from the bags under her eyes, but she shook it off and said that family comes first.

New filters, new clips, and a new prayer. We are leaving. Saint Sophia watch over us humble sinners in our hour of need. Amen.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2023 ⏰

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