Entry 4

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They say that war never changes; from the old fallout three trailer I remembered watching when I was a teenager. It never really does, and it is sad that it will not. We butcher each other in the name of our 'pride,' our 'religion,' our 'races,' and to 'preserve us as a nation.' I was there when the missiles fell, killing billions in an instant. My own family was evaporated in a second, a few escaping to the metro with me. After that we separated and survived. Sophia is all that I have left, she must survive. The thought of losing her burns like acid in my chest.

I have found my old stache in the police station that I kept up on the surface for trading with Kasumi. A clip of 7.62*59 rounds for her should help her out and perhaps give me an idea of the situation above ground. 

Before the war she was one of these 'cosplayers' went around the world to 'anime' conventions. She would dress up as one of her favorite characters and have a lot of fun at them. A shame really, they sound enjoyable, and I should have gone to one of them.

She also has a haven for those on the surface, those who seek shelter from the environment and the mutants. They have tried several times, but they have not been able to breach her bunker, ancient though it may be. The machine guns, rusted to their pods, are useless and cannot fire. Rumor has it that the machine guns were to be used against the Germans when they attacked Moscow during their winter offensive.

Kasumi is an odd nickname for one like her, though understandable. Before the world ended, she used to be deep into a game called 'dead or alive.' One of the characters, Kasumi, she enjoyed playing back then. 

If I remember right the bunker should be south of the main metro area by five blocks. But the situation is not good. The mutants have gotten out of hand, multiplying on the surface at a rapid rate. The demons are becoming increasingly of a threat. I need to reach the bunker and I can ask Kasumi for any assistance from her. If she can tag along that would be nice, better for me as well.

She will trade two filters for one clip. I do not know; her last trade was terrible by rumor so she may not be in a good mood. The last time I saw her was two months ago, under attack by a flock of demons. She was covering several refugees that made it into the bunker. Now I am not even sure if she is still alive. All I can do is pray for her safety from Saint Sophia.

The station seems untouched by the mutants, the traps I set are still in place. Mostly, some of the traps were disturbed by mutants looking for a new home to roost. A fresh body was lying on the ground on the hallway; a stalker triggered one of the log traps. His upper body is all over the wall, while the lower part was destroyed by one of the mine traps. It will take me a while to get the traps back in place and I am running out of mines.

If I last remember Kasumi has several stalkers who collaborate with her, I have not met them yet, but I hear they are deadly with rifles.

Twenty minutes left on the filters, time to move out. 

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