The Cowardly Lion and The Shining Beacon

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[1 Week after Sionn began his trek to Lionheart.]

Haven Academy was a complete and total shithole.

Located in Mistral, where the lower-levels are infested by crime, and the higher-levels are the typical rich folk with personalities similar to the purebloods of the Wizarding World.

He wanted to burn it all.

Unfortunately, that's considered 'mass genocide' and you would be labeled as a 'unhinged psychopathic lunatic' and it's considered a 'war crime of the highest degree'. God, he would rather be fucked sideways with a flaming chainsaw.

Sure, he may take pleasure in hearing the agonized screams of his enemies as they are killed in the most horrible ways, all the while recording them so he can fall asleep to it, but that's because of a fucked-up childhood along with his older brothers Sirius and Regulus, and not mental-health issues. No sir-e!

Walking in Haven Academy with the swagger of a High-as-a-kite Pimp, he easily moved past the crowds for they parted as if he was Moses and they were the Crimson Sea. A few tried to stop him from continuing to the Headmaster's office, but a simple backhand slap stopped them dead.

Using a tiny bit of Magic to throw open the double-doors of the office, the Lord Black swaggered in. Infront of him was the Headmaster, Leonardo Lionheart, shaking and stuttering like a Autistic-ADHD College Student during finals. Giving a small wave of his hand behind his back, the doors closed and locked, while Privacy Wards were erected... and the Seer Grimm was locked in the closet.

"Mr. Lionheart..." Began the Young Black, staring into Lionheart's soul, "I require your services. Specifically, Medical Records, Student Grades, an entire identity, so I can enter Beacon Academy. Is that simple enough to understand, or should I get a drawing pad and crayons?"

"Under... Un-understood, Mr... Mr. B-black."

As Lionheart went to his computer, Sionn felt something was off... a gut-feeling- no... his Magical Alert was going off, making a slight-stabbing pain behind his eyes, combined with a particular itch. A day after arriving in this world, he had encountered a peculiar book with a unique awareness technique. It required specialized Occlumency shields extending from his mindscape, to its representation of the user's eyes, blocking everything except one thing. He had modified the technique to allow him to see normally, but had created an alert system so when something was off, he could 'feel' the issue... hence the stabbing pain behind his eyes combined with a particular set of itches. The reason was because of a certain Death Eater in Second Year, just two years before Harry during that Tournament...

Harry... that was a man he hadn't thought about in a while... can't think about the past, otherwise he would never be able to move forward.

Shaking those thoughts loose, he had his Occlumency Shields block his sight of everything except Magic. Looking around, he saw the Wards he set up, the Seer Grimm locked in the closet, and...


Dear old Lionheart was absolutely covered in Loyalty charms, Emotional Curses, a compulsion here and there, and to top it all off, a few potions making it impossible to break free of the spells. Thinking carefully, he considered the pros and cons of realizing the Lion from them... before sighing and bringing out his wand.

3 Hours later...

Lionheart was vomiting his guts out into a bucket where Sionn would banish the contents somewhere when it got full. Thankfully, Lionheart had chosen the vomit method and not the one with... the other end. The Goblins had taught him this type of potion to make the potions in a person's body leave, and boy did they love the results.

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