Mafia Love

280 18 8

Error's POV

  I took a sip of coffee while looking out the window of my home, watching the snow fall. It was cold outside so the maids had started the hearth to keep the mansion warm.

  A voice suddenly spoke, drawing my attention from the ice frosted window. I saw my brother walk in, a maid following closely behind. The maid handed him a cup of coffee after he had joined me at the table. I nodded to him as as simple hello which he returned.

Geno: The neighbors children are playing in our front yard.

  He stated with slight annoyance.

Me: Let them. They're just kids and they're having fun.

Geno: I suppose.

  I placed my cup down and looked to my side. I was surprised to see that Ink wasn't standing there but then I remembered that he was given some holiday time off. To tell the truth, I was lonely but I understood that even my bodyguard needed a break.

Geno: What is your plan for today? Father has been awfully generous with no assignments for us and causing no trouble for the clients.

  I thought for a few seconds.

Me: I might drive around town for a little bit, enjoy the snow and the festivities. Since our family doesn't do anything around this time of year.

  I grumbled quietly before finishing my second cup of coffee for the morning. My family may be Christian but they never took the time to celebrate anything. However, I did lie to Geno. I had planned on visiting Ink's home for the day.

  The maid placed breakfast in front of us. She bowed her head before leaving us alone. We ate the food together with little to no conversation.

  I hurried, eventually finishing the food. I stood up and left my plate for the maid to pick up.

  I grabbed my suit jacket and my tie and made me way to the car outside.

(Time Skip)

  I secured my tie before knocking on the door. I heard movement from behind the door then it opened, showing Ink. He was dressed in casual clothing, completely different from the black suit that he wore. No matter what he wore, he was still hot.

  Ink noticed me staring at his body and smiled before pulling me into his home. After closing the door behind him, he pulled me into a kiss. I chuckled as I wrapped my arms around his waist. We pulled away to catch our breath. He smiled at me.

Ink: Hi.

Me: Hello.

  He got out of my embrace and continued whatever task he had been doing beforehand, seeming to be making breakfast for himself.

Ink: I thought you were doing work for the Don.

Me: Not for this holiday. He told me to enjoy Christmas.

  He hummed in response. I took the time to look around his home. It was barren of anything festive which immediately caught my eye.

Me: You didn't decorate?

Ink: I don't celebrate the holidays.

Me: Why not?

Ink: I've never had anyone to celebrate it with. What's the point?

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