Love Doesn't Age

193 16 1

Ink's POV

  I sipped from a wonderful mocha before leaning against Error's arm, enjoying the warmth from the weighted blanket that was placed on our bodies.

Despite no snow, it was a cold winters morning and families were beginning to enjoy the holiday that they had received from work and school. They were putting together last minute decorations, dressing their trees and hanging lights everywhere.

I looked up at Error, seeing him focused on the morning news while holding a coffee mug to his lips. I adored the outfit that he was wearing. A festive v-necked vest over his favorite red turtleneck and a pair of black slacks. He even had a matching scarf.

Error hummed after hearing the weather for the week. He asked to put his arm around my shoulders, which I accepted and then he began to speak.

Error: The weather seems good for the week. What do you want to do, Inky?

Me: I don't know. What do you have in mind?

He shrugged, taking another sip of his black coffee.

Error: I have plans for anything that you might choose. We have the entire week before Christmas.

I went silent for a second, becoming excited when I thought of an activity.

Me: Ice skating.

Error: We can do that.

He responded with a warm smile. However our small conversation was interrupted when we heard a meow. Mello was sitting on the floor, staring up at us. She clearly wanted something.

Error patted his lap and Mello happily jumped onto him, placing her front paws on his chest before licking his cheek. He smiled and kissed her on the head.

Error: You want food, don't you princess?

She responded and he sighed, picking her up in order to leave the couch to get her breakfast. I watched them from the couch, holding the now empty cup in my hands.

I heard Error speak to me while I watched the television.

Error: After I get her fed, we can leave whenever you want.

I responded to him with a simple "Okay" before putting my attention back on the woman that described the emotional story of an army man coming home to see his family for the holidays.

(Time Skip)

We slowly slid across the slippery surface while making sure not to run into any fast moving children. Error and I had been skating for a while now, I was beginning to feel the chilly air bite at my fingers and cheeks. For such an activity, it was lovely day to go ice skating.

There was a slight bitter breeze on my face yet the sunlight was warm. The last few leaves were falling from the trees as the temperature gradually became cold. Couples walked together, holding hot drinks that they had gotten from the local cafés.

My thoughts were broken when I felt my feet slip under me. I was met with the cold ice as I fell. Error laughed but still checked to make I wasn't hurt.

Error: Are you okay?

He said through small giggles. I nodded, trying to contain the smile that threatened to appear. He pulled me up, dusting off any bits of ice that were stuck to the fabric of my clothes.

Error: Is this enough skating for the day? I've noticed that you have been getting distracted and losing your balance. I'm afraid that you might get hurt.

Holiday Specials (ErrInk)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang