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Said by the teacher who just arrived to the chaotic scene, immediately knowing it was caused by the said boy.

Things were flying around, and two boys were on the ground scuffling. The one with the blonde hair was on top, throwing every punch, not missing a single time on the boy with brown hair.

"MR.HAN I WILL EXPEL YOU AGAIN, GET UP!" The principal who also arrived yelled, pushing away the bystanders. Even with the warning, Jisung, the blonde one would not stop. He was angry, he had reasons to be this angry.

It took more than one teacher to pull Jisung off the poor boy under him. "Let me go, this bitch needs to learn his lesson!" Jisung said angrily. "Calm down boy! You finished what you needed to finish now move on." Mr. Lee said and pointed at the boy who definitely lost the fight. A tooth was missing, blood was dripping from the boys mouth and nose and there for sure is going to be a bruise on his eye area.

Seeing this sight, Jisung calmed down. Feeling like the boy got what he deserved, Jisung was walked to the principals office for the 100th time this year.

"Mr. Han, why do you do this. Why do you think everyone needs to get almost beaten to death for something they did to you?" Mr. Park, the principal asked while rubbing his temple, clearly stressed about the situation.

"That's the thing, they do need to be beaten to death. They dont deserve to live, I hate them little shits with every cell in my body." Jisung blankly said, not seeming fazes by his own harsh words.

Mr. Park shook his head in disbelief. "First of all, don't use this language around me, in my office, nor in this school. Second of all, there's better ways to approach your problems. Just come to a trusted adult and tell them how your feeling. You can go to jail for this, you should be lucky I'm covering up for you,"

"Can you just stop the act already! The only reason your taking up for me is because my dad allows you to touch me you fucking pervert. You are the person I hate with every cell in my body, you should go to jail, you should suffer and rot in jail bitch." Jisung genuinely said and spat at the older man. He then left the office, making sure to slam the door.

"That little shit, I'm gonna teach him a lesson when he gets home." The man mumbled to himself and took a napkin and wiped his face with an angry glare.


"Jisung fought again?" A tall red head asked a short black head boy. "Yep, I told him to stop doing that. He just replies harshly and leaves to that dark room, but literally comes back with a whole new personality. The boy always has me worried, I wish he'd tell us why he actually does this stuff." The black head said.

"Bin, you know he's never going to do that. Jisung is a closed capsule, he has so many secrets held in. Couldn't be me though, I hate keeping secrets." The red head replied back.

"That's exactly why we can't tell you anything, remember that time we told you about the surprise birthday we were doing for Chan. For some reason days after his party, he tells us he already knew about it....I wonder why Hyun." Changbin says as they walk into the classroom already filled with students.

"Hey, I thought it was obvious, so I just told him, excepting him to already know about it." Hyunjin tried to defend himself. Changbin nodded "oh, for sure." He said sarcastically.

Both boys split up and went to their assigned seats once the bell rung, the teacher came in and sat the big stack of paper on their desk.

Once the sight of the papers came into the sight of the students, they groaned, knowing they're going to do a lot of writing today.

"Okay class, get your pencils, pens, chalk, whatever it is that you feel comfortable to use, because of your fellow school mate Han Jisung, your going to write two essays about school violence and why you shouldn't do dumb things like what Mr. Han did today."


Time Skip~ after school~

"Guys let's go to the hang out spot today." A curly blonde head said. "I can't, I have to go to my family's dinner tonight." A puppy like boy with brown hair said.

"Why can't you come now and leave later to the dinner." Jisung said. "My mom wants me to be home early to get get ready and finish homework." The boy replied, kicking the rocks that was in his path.

"Oh, well come next time. I have something important to share, and I want everyone to be there when I share it." The curly head said.

"Ok, see you guys tomorrow." Seungmin said and left to the direction of his house. "I gotta go later, I also have something important to attend too." A sharped eye boy said, "Jeongin you are too young for pussy." Changbin said, with a smirk.

Jeongin gasped in disbelief. "Huh? I have know idea what your talking about" the boy said, being very obvious that he was about to meet a certain someone. "Leave him alone Bin, he wants to grow up so let him." Chan laughed along with everyone else.

"I'm only a year older than some of you guys, let's not get too cocky now. Anyways, I don't have time for this foolery. See you kids tomorrow." Jeongin said and ran off, hearing the curses from his hyungs.

Was gonna do a cast introduction, but that is a shit load of work

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Was gonna do a cast introduction, but that is a shit load of work.

Also I checked over for mistakes but I'f there's still some, my fault, my eyes fail me sometimes.

Anyways, predebut Han has made his debut in my Wattpads. 🤯

Bye rats😘 ✌️

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